Rip of?

guys im not sure abt this one, but i happened to see the tutorial abt the cool footer from this site… over at this place :

im a bit lost so excuse me if its the same guy!:tie:

we’ll have to wait for dm to answer that one :slight_smile:


Creating Cool Footers - by Ben Watson aka B3Nkobe | 22 November 2005 on Kirupa
Cool Footer- Posted On: **03-12-2006 **at 01:52 AM on Bratz-design

Judging by the date, I would say that the last one is a ripoff.

or b3nkobe himself:)

what does the thread he links say? It may (but prolly not judging by the respsones) give credit to the actual designer. Seems pretty shady to me.

Hmm, I guess its not really rip just him reposting the tut

Ps, B3n gave Darkmotion

Yea, that we know… but even so… you should still give credit to where credit is deserved. He didn’t make the tutorial so he shouldn’t lay claim to it. If I make you a pumkin pie and you share it with someone else, it doesn’t mean you made it.

I am sorry I didnt think he whould claim he made a tut his friend wrote.

Maybe they talked and he said he didn’t need credit, I dunno, if he aint pissed we shouldn’t be.

BTW: I hate forums like that where they dont have footer restrictions and everybody has at least 4 with text in between, drives me MADDDDD!

Um- was the originator of this footer tutorial- and It was posted on there before it was even posted on

Since B3n left- He put the site under my control- So I put up his tutorial

and usagi… If you read the tutorial @ you will notice that I said “By the founder of fadedpixel- Ben Watson- aka- B3nkobe”

My footer does not look like that- it is missing the scanlines- so obviously this “darkmotion” has 100% ripped our tutorial. Ben custom made my footer for me- and now this person has posted their own crappy version of it.

What’s sad is that person has the same username as me- and is ripping off the work that our team produces…

I am stumped as to why someone would even bother to rip the tute- It’s even credited to b3n on the kirupa tutorial!


Further backing up my evidence look ing at that forum thread
HE claims to have permission to use the tutorial

ben is a loser he al screwd us he’s the one who left
At Fadedpixel and BTW admin fadedpixel whahaha
Ben is not a member of that community anymore he stopped
he’s a loser

And again btw i had permission so good luck fool hahaha

^ this guy DID NOT GET PERMISSION from us from ben and even after ben left.

Seb, me and Fasterthanlight are the only three who give permission for things to be reproduced!

WOW I am stoaked that this dude would go to this level!

edit again I have just found out it was the dude who is ripping my work- check out some of the comments on asking me to show him how to do his work. Apperentely he owns

And I posted this in a thread a week or two ago telling how my style was even beign ripped

IF anyone is a part of that forum could you please ask the dude why the hell he ripped it? It’s bad enough that he copied it and wrote “do not copy” over it, but having the SAME username? I’m really not happy!:expressionless:

posted on the site:)
i’m one of the unregistered guys

:smiley: great

Hi I saw this post and searched for the site ‘’, but the url is still free. It’s not registered.

So it’s probably some attention deprived teenager…


^tried it too it leads me to a dead link


OO Eilsoe- I remember u were ripped a while ago- how did ya get the ripper?

*edit more searching found this - I actually made this and sent it to him on msn - not knowing he was the ripper a few weeks ago…

That was done by me as a test… and now he stole it-

Again- now ripping my glowy tenatcles around building with shiny dripping text - this time from my flash intro [URL=“”]

Yep and some more cheap - poorly executed versions of footers- with MY logo on it ( the pink text was the early beginnings of my logo) and a ripoff of my current footer…

Geez this is scary everytime I go back I am finding my work/ A rip of my work under his posts…

just look how badly he copied my forum footer…

correct me if I’m wrong (Can’t access the forum anymore), but didn’t he rip off your name as well? It seems like he thinks he’s you!

need to be a registered user to view the site?

Nope just post :stuck_out_tongue:

got a message from him…

Ey wassup
I have seen you on Bratz-Designs.
Subject: The footer tutorial i didn’t take credit for it i didn’t say i made it
come on man i’m no mother####ing ripper but since fadedpixel is still
offline i thought i would put it there cause i tried to copy it from fadedpixel right
to Bratz-designs but that didn’t work because of the pictures so i put it all
together. And About your wallpaper i thought you made it for me sorry for
that i’m sorry for that but i just wanted Bratzer to make it in a little banner
Don’t Be mad dude i have never taken credit for the tutorial or your Wallpaper
So i will hope this makes everything clear.
I would love to make the tutorial Again new look and Than give Cred to fadedpixel
do we have a deal i will than first send you the new look. And you will say if it’s ok .
And about the Moon Footer i have made that myself when i was still active on
Fadedpixel never used a tutorial for that footer. And your text the pink thing
i just love i made it myself never used a tutorial for that i just had a look at your
wallpaper and i knew how to make it so please don’t call me a ripper.


and u knwo the footer?
He thinks its an original idea from him…

You have seen how long I have had my footer on the forums eh?

And somehow- it seems to look EXACTLY the same??


got a message from him…

Ey wassup
I have seen you on Bratz-Designs.
Subject: The footer tutorial i didn’t take credit for it i didn’t say i made it
come on man i’m no mother####ing ripper but since fadedpixel is still
offline i thought i would put it there cause i tried to copy it from fadedpixel right
to Bratz-designs but that didn’t work because of the pictures so i put it all
together. And About your wallpaper i thought you made it for me sorry for
that i’m sorry for that but i just wanted Bratzer to make it in a little banner
Don’t Be mad dude i have never taken credit for the tutorial or your Wallpaper
So i will hope this makes everything clear.
I would love to make the tutorial Again new look and Than give Cred to fadedpixel
do we have a deal i will than first send you the new look. And you will say if it’s ok .
And about the Moon Footer i have made that myself when i was still active on
Fadedpixel never used a tutorial for that footer. And your text the pink thing
i just love i made it myself never used a tutorial for that i just had a look at your
wallpaper and i knew how to make it so please don’t call me a ripper.


and u knwo the footer?
He thinks its an original idea from him…

You have seen how long I have had my footer on the forums eh?

And somehow- it seems to look EXACTLY the same??
