Rip of?

Man… well at least you’re getting SOME kind of response from him. What I did was send a mail to the ripper (not in a particular harsh tone, but harsh enough).

Then I sent a mail to their host, and made the take it down.

Also, for the ripper, I threatened to pursue legal actions, always makes little kiddies piss themselves :slight_smile:

Just don’t sound like a freaked teen yourself, be professional in your language :slight_smile:

:smiley: Thanks Eilsoe- I’ll do that :smiley:

Man he’s PMing me saying he is not a ripper…

We all know who is the true ripper. ITs not FP/DK. Meh i hate rippers, just shows there level of stupidity :smiley:

:smiley: join in this thread to help me bring out the truth!

U can post annonymous as well

Now he’s trying to make it look like a remake because he has changed a few bits of text on the footers and in the tute.

It still is the same! If you see it and see the fadedpixel tutorial u immediately know that it is a rip huh?

join in this thread to help me bring out the truth!

U can post annonymous as well

:stuck_out_tongue: thanks to the people who have posted telling him he has ripped :slight_smile:

seiously that guys has to get banned from the whole “www”

im sorry dark , for what you must be going through, you have a copy cat on ur hands. but look at it from the bright side… atleast everyone knows who copied who… :wink:

darkmotion, atleast be happy you got a fan :wink: :smiley: