Okay, so I’m at work, I work at a call-center for DSL installation.
I have a guy on the phone, who, after doing a bunch of stuff, I get him to the web-site that lets you choose a username and password for your account. There’s a box, that asks for your Phone Number on the screen, to verify your account.
The customer says: “It wants my phone number?”
I say: “Yes, go ahead and enter your telephone number.”
And then he says: “nothin’ happened.”
I had to mute my phone, to keep him from hearing me hit the floor, and start howling… He punched his number into the phone!! I had to explain to him that the web site was asking him to TYPE the NUMBERS into the BOX ON THE SCREEN with his KEYBOARD, three times before he got it!!! :!:
I couldn’t breath… oh… man… that was so funny…
Just wanted to share that with everyone…
Here’s a quickie: Guy next to me gets a call, and asks the guy something about his Phone Jacks. The customer’s Response: "What’s a Phone Jack?"
The guy next to me was laughing so hard, and then almost died when the customer managed to hang up on himself somehow!
hah those stories are hilarious… Ppl can be sooo funny (err… read: dumb)
yay the thread lives!
god those stories are funny, however i encounter the most stupid people while playing Battlefield Vietnam
Guy (Shoots my plane as im taking off because he wanted it)
Me (After Plane has blown up) “Wtf did you do that for, dont shoot down freindlies just cuz you wanted their plane!!!”
That was all he said, i laughed for a very long time.
TOO FUNNY!!! Man, I don’t know how you deal with all those people…
My sister was giving a friend a hand setting up her new computer, once done, she called her boyfriend to say “ok, it’s hooked up, now how do we download the internet?”…his reply, “wow, how big is that hard drive?”…killed me when she admitted that to me
i got a email from a friend that worked for a computer ITS customer service. to cut a long story short, the caller thought that the computer was broken because the screen was dark. the caller did a poor job of describing how the screen was totally black, and after a few minutes, my friend found out there was a power outage…
I posted this link like 5 months ago but this site has LOTS of things like that, for computers anyways.
ROFLMAO Those are hilarious i love this one
Customer: "I can’t get my email."
Tech Support: "Ok. Can you surf the web?"
Customer: "What?"
Tech Support: "I just want to know if you can visit any web sites. That will tell me if you’re connected."
Customer: “What are web sites? I just use this to download my email.”
I’m definitely gonna check out that link :beam:
Well, I work at Lowes Home Improvement.
Old Guy walks in and is returning a plastic, 4 drawer, organizing cabinet thing.
Me, "Hello sir, how are you doing today"
Sir, "Well I just bought this and I put it in my car and this peice broke off the bottom"
Me, "Oh… ok Ill get a refund for you right now."
Sir, "Im so pissed, I thought I bought something durrable, and I just walk outside and its broken already!!!?"
he continues on…
Sir, "Im never shopping here again, this place sells cheap products just to fool customers."
Me, "Sir, the cabinet is plastic."
Sir, “I know!”
When was plastic durrable? lol…
lol, the generally stupidity of america rises every minute!
Nice English buddy!
Dont you mean
“the general stupidity of America rises every minute”:trout:
yah, people need to think before opening their mouths.
I get lots of people pissed off about a movie not working, and they ask why we don’t test them to make sure they work.
Now think about that, with hundreds of movies and only 24 hours in a day… oh I’ll get right on it! People just don’t take the time to take the disc out, wipe it off, and put iut back in; generally solves 90% of all DVD/Game issues.
hehe, i know i did that on purpose to help prove my point
LOL… Yeah… right! :snug:
Roger that. My friend has a huge hdtv that we watch movies on, but the sony dvd changer attached to it is a ***** about movies. Always freezes up. The disks work fine on any other dvd player, and the only thing you can do is wipe the dvd down.
No, no Really i SWARE!