Rollover button problem

Hi, im a little new to flash, and have been using this site to help me on my way to getting familiar with the program, but i seem to have a problem. I was working with the buttons where when you rollover them, it plays a tween from a movie, the example on the site is at:
I have 4 buttons, and all are set up as the example said to do it:

on (rollOver) {
tellTarget ("/rollover") {
gotoAndPlay (“1text”);
on (rollOut) {
tellTarget ("/rollover") {
gotoAndPlay (“1back”);

The first 3 buttons are fine, but when rolling over the last button a few times, it seems to activate the other buttons. I would roll over the last one and it looked like i just rolled over the first one.

I have the button tweens separated so they wont all play when activating one, but it still wont work, please help :frowning:

Can only tell ya one thing, dont use tellTarget!!


on (rollOver) {

and the other way around

yeah… tellTarget is not only confusing, but it’s been depricated so it will eventually be illiminated entirely from the a/s language. Use the dot syntax method, as you see in the above example. If you need help with figuring out how dot syntax works, just reply back and we’ll try to give a more detailed explination.

the most basic explination:
you’re naming your object, by path, and then giving it a command. Each name, function, method, etc is separated by periods, in a string from left to right.

(sorry Abraxxas, just trying to give a little more detail… thanks for answering that one.:slight_smile: )