I’ve designed a website for my client, and recently updated the main Flash movie with some new content. I can see it fine in my brower, but my client (who’s using Safari browser) still sees the old Flash movie, not the newly updated one. I’ve tried:
-making her refresh Safari numerous times
-restarting Safari
-deleting the new .SWF file off the server, and reuploading it
-using this code in the HTML page which has the SWF file embedded:
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Expires" CONTENT="Mon, 04 Dec 1999 21:29:02 GMT">
-deleting the HTML page off the server, and reuploading it
Why can’t she see the new Flash movie?!! I don’t want to make her clear her cache, she needs to know that other people can see the new content too, that haven’t cleared their caches.