
im swimming in work. we always have so much to do… but i cant wait until 2:30!!!=) :stuck_out_tongue:

wait… when do you go to school, and when do you work?

7:15 in the morning. i wake up at 7=)

i dont work on weekdays.=)

oooh… that kind of work… haha

what grade are you in?

grade 9

i work at a jewerly store.=) :nerd:

does it pay well?

8 bucks an hour=)

the countdown begins 30 min till dismissle!!!woohoooo=)

hehe i miss Boston, i’ve been in the states for two years and i miss finishing a 2:30 an wasting my time in the afternoon…
We finish at 6pm in my school and i live far far away… i dont have anytime for myself, those french teachers have the faith in the god of Work. Homweurk Classweurk Projectweurk… GOD i cant even find 5 minutes to pee…

anyway, wher’s my footer gone ???

I miss boston too… I need to go back to school.

Interesting enough…

We got out around 3 pm… If you drove home (like I did), you got home around 3:15… Buses would get you home around 4 o clock… Depending on where you lived… But we didn’t have to get to school until 8 pm or whenever your first class was officially starting…

I always filled my schedule until it was overfilled and seeking out the edges so I could have an excuse for staying there…

I took courses like

Architectural Drafting I, II, III
Computer Programming I, II
Advanced Calculus
Advanced Physics

And a couple of other nooks and crammies here and there to make up the spare time I had… Also… By the time I made it in my senior year… I only needed one credit to graduate… lmao

I was in a similar situation as Marz…

I only needed 1/2 credit to graduate at the beginning of my sr. year. Of course that meant I only went to 1 class for a total of 5 times (just to take the tests). Even though I aced the tests, the teacher gave me a C because of attendance…

I challenged all of the sciences, and was admitted into an early college admission program (community college). I ended up taking advanced chemistry my Sophomore year.

However, I needed a car to get to school (7 miles away), since the bus took over 2 hrs to get there, so I worked full time (25-40 hrs/week) as soon as I was able (15), so I too had no social life. I had a nice car tho ('74 MG Midget, & '71 240Z)…

And that is how my love affair with 2 seater sports cars began…


Blah… Two Seaters? hehe… I know they look allright but personally they aren’t fucntional… I like some of the long pointed out styles of the Trans Ams and old Mustangs… (to me… Tangs got gay after the 70’s.

Then again… The 70’s was an awesome decade… hehe…

Umm… Yeah… I was never big on science cept for the Physics and stuff like that… Chemistry I never really got into that much… I took the advanced Chem for the credits and everything but I didn’t really enjoyed it.

2 seaters… just enough room for you and your fav girl…

I like the newer Mustang GT convertible (I rent one once in a while)… gotta love that V8…

abzoid (my brother) used to own a '70 Cougar XR-7 convertible with 3 on the floor, and a 351 Cleveland under the hood… That thing flew (same engine and running gear as the Mustang Mach 1, just lower to the ground)…

To me, I like the car small, powerful, and very reactive. I would rather deal with oversteer, than have some namby pamby power steering making the road feel like a marshmallow…

old sportster kind of driving, feeling the road, listening to the engine…


Blah… My dad has a 1978 Trans Am…

Wanna talk about power? That thing has power my friend… I got to drive that finally this past spring (year ago)… Took my lady friend to the prom in it… We arrived and there were plenty of looks…

Woossh… The best part aboutt hat car is it was silent… Had a 400 block under it’s hood. And could smoke nearly any car around here but whil it was passing them I could be listening to classical music lmao

different ends of the spectrum…

I like quick and agile, you like power and top end…

My MG wasn’t underpowered for the 1200 lbs it weighed…

and - when I had my 240Z, I smoked every 'Vette, 'Stang, Trans Am that came around. They could catch me by 3rd gear, but I smoked them every time off the line… I could top end them, but there was never enough street for me to catch up during their groove…

Still, I had the MG going 110 mph, and the Z 145mph… had my Dad’s 260Z a little faster (out in the desert)…


lmao… yeah…

Line to Line the smaller cars have the advantage… But I always raced on the long tracks… Very fun indeed…

By third gear is right too… I’d be out ahead…

The vettes… Mmm… Juicy morsels they are… lmao

they look nice, but are a bit sluggish…

The rear end in the Z had been replaced with one from a B210, so was a lower 1st and 2nd gear (240’s only came 4 speed), which really helped off the line. Where I grew up there were lots of hills, curves, trees, etc. So you would “race” from here to there kinda thang… one of the “courses” had a ferry on it, if you took that route…


YEah… I live in a valley and I’m surrounded by trees roads, backroads and everything else… We do the here to there type of thing… WHoever can get across town going anyway they want kind of thing…

I started really winning races though when I got the truck…

87 Dodge Dakota… Those little things are extremely light… v6 engine in it… And it packed some punch… Plsu you could fly off the road and not care… lmao

I knew alot of dirt road backroads with small bumps and such that the cars couldn’t handle and whooosh… I’d be there for 2 minutes jamming to my cd player and waiting for them :slight_smile:


My MG was the greatest for the cross the river journey… it was small, so you could almost always fit on the ferry (6 car max), and was very quick with large tires for grip… However, if I missed the ferry I was screwed… had to go an extra 10 miles to the bridge and back track… Other cars couldn’t go that way because they would easily drift over into the other lane, which with log trucks, is a bad idea… So they would take the straight, less traveled longer way around, and try to avoid the cops…

I never got a ticket…
