Scroll Bar

Im workin on a all flash website, i dont know really anything bout action script, and I wanna Make a scroll bar for content, that can have text and pictures, i have one for just text but i can put pictures in it, if anyone could help me out it would be greatl, thnx

I searched the exchange (I couldnt find it anywhere else), and I found movie clip scrollers, if you are interested.

Here ya go man… a working FLA. Basically what I did was import my images, put all of them in a vertical line, and converted them to a movie clip.

At the movie clip window, make sure that you can see the “Advanced” option (i.e., make sure it’s extended). Check the boxes that say “export for actionscript” and “import for runtime sharing”.

You can name the movie clip “thumbnail_MC”, and in the identifier box (same window), I set the name as “thumbnail_MC2”. You can set this as “thumbnail_MC” instead of “_MC2”, but I used “MC2” for more simplicity in the future.

Click OK.

Delete the Movie clip off the stage.

Drag the Scrollpane component to the stage.

Under the properties for the Scrollpane, set the Vertical to True and Horiz. to False. (in fMX2004, vertical is “vScrollPolicy” and horizontal is “hScrollPolicy”.

With the properties pane still open, under Scroll Content (MX), or ContentPath (2004), enter “thumnail_MC2” (no quotes).

To specify width and height of the scrollpane, change them in the left of the properties box.

There ya go man sweaty relaxation.