Seeking some content layout advice


This is all relating to the old layout I have since scrapped:*

Alright, so here’s a partial mock up of one of my projects I’m working on in my own time, its for a downtown event space here in Toronto called The Richmond, its very modern and clean, so I needed to design something like that.

Anyways, the problem I’m having is, I think I’m over complicating how I’m displaying my content.

I need to have a “Welcome”, “Recent Events”, “Upcoming Events” and “Photo Gallery” as my main chunks, I’m satisfied with my Welcome area, but everything else isn’t working for me.

The chunk on the right, just under the Welcome area is going to house “recent events” and right next to it on the left hand side would be where I want to throw in “Upcoming Events”

The large picture underneath it all is where I want to put the “Photo Gallery” section, which will probably have 3 or 4 random pictures and link to a gallery2 installation for managing all the pictures. I was thinking a big chunk sans-serif font with a web2.0 aqua-esque gloss on it like all the other typo, with the pictures thumbnails bordered by some design, floating on top of the background image.

The wood floor is going to be the footer, with a contact form and other miscellaneous good stuff like that.

All in all, the client wants pictures pictures pictures instead of words, as, pictures are better for communicating the look and feel of the event space as a whole.

Any comments are appreciated.

Current Website for reference. *puking
