I want to skin the listBox component on my Flash file.
I used the setStyle skin method with the following code to get all aspects such as textColor, rollOverColor, background, etc… and they work like a charm.
I’m stuck with defining the colors for scrollbar and scroll arrow in the listBox. Also I’d like to use alternatingRowColors. I’m not able to get this right.
Could anyone please help?!
on (load) {
this.setStyle( "borderStyle", "none" );
this.setStyle( "rollOverColor", 0xffffff );
this.setStyle( "selectionColor", 0xa7ce35 );
this.setStyle( "color", 0xa7ce35);
this.setStyle( "textRollOverColor", 0x000000 );
this.setStyle( "textSelectedColor", 0xffffff );
this.setStyle( "selectionDuration", 0 );
this.setStyle( "backgroundColor",0x000000);