Setup of a dynamic menu

Hey, I am trying to get a rollover on a button where the menu slides in and slides out with the rollover and rolloff. How would i be able to do this, here is an example,

Any help would be great




It isn’t that hard.

Create a movie clip, give it the instance name subMenu1, have the first frame be a stop() action and be empty.

Have frame 2 and on be the animation of the tabs (tabs will be buttons that are tweened down) coming down, with a stop() action on the last frame.

Now go back to the _root timeline, create your button.

Then on the button add these actions

on (rollOver){;

Then when you want it cleared out just use _root.subMenu1.gotoAndStop(1); It takes you back to the empty frame.

Works perfectly !! I can use this now to make a window which comes from the side of the screen at the touch of a button, know how i could make it so that when i touch another button, Window A slides out, and Window B slides in? :sigh:

Create a variable that says what window is open.

Like (on the main timeline)…

openWin = “about”

And on your button you could be like…

on (release){
if (_root.openWin == “about”){
_root.openWin = “links”;

This is if you are closing the about and opening the links.

It is just a quick thing, I am not even sure how well it works…lol.

Do you have an example :stunned: I didn’t get that actionscript

Alright I have a fully commented incredibly basic example.

Where you take it from there is up to you :wink:

Thanks, looks good

No problem man.

or go here and try the tutorial.

Good Luck
