I created a web (web A) in FrontPage 2000 on a server with shared borders. I now need to move the web to another server that will reside within another web (web B). Howerver, the shared borders (of web A) default to the root shared borders (web B). Is there any way to keep both shared borders without making the web (web A) a subweb?
Hey florita07,
I do not think it is possible to use different shared borders without making a subweb. The shared borders are stored in the _borders folder of your FrontPage Web, and that folder is usually hidden unless you are an adminstrator. Inside that folder, the various individual HTML pages that make up the border such as bottom, top, left, right, are stored. That folder does not allow for multiple variations of the default top, left, right, and bottom folders. Only by creating a new subweb will you be able to access an individual copy of _borders.