Doing this site as a favor for a nominal fee. Took me like three hours to do all the pages and logos etc… so be easy on it. I just haven’t been around in a while so I figured I’d see how you guys were doing.
I suggest organizing the cars.html a bit more cause even though you click on a specific model it has to load every single picture (this took a while). Probably make a page for the mercedes, one for Infiniti’s, one for the acura’s, etc… Or make a flash buttons that load a clip with pics according to the car clicked.
Other than that it looks great!! Nice job. :thumb:
yeah, it’s an iranian guy and he wants it that way. he’s hard to communicate with, much more so when it’s about stuff I can’t explain to most people in english. :sigh: I like it though, if I do say so myself. Simple, clean, sharp, quick, etc… exactly what I was aiming for.
Other than the interior pictures of the cars, I would say the site is alright. If you use the dome light during the day you dont have to use the flash, and then the pictures will look a lot better, and tell him to remove those stupid paper floor mat covers the mechanics put in there, before taking the pictures.
The menu at the top should be spaced a bit so when I roll over a button and it goes bold the rest of the menu doesn’t jump, unless of course that was the effect you were going for.