Site Check [duh]

morse I really like the concept the the 3d stuff is sweet. 2 suggestions use one font and I think it would look cool with a pixel font since everything else is so crisp. Also add some sound at least on the buttons. Good job.

Thanks for the quick reply. I’ll take that all into consideration :slight_smile:

yep… a pixel font would really do well with the design, and the one you’re using is pretty hard to read… the nav is a little bit confusing… guess you can make it a little bit more staright forward… thats about it…

cheers :A+:

Same as the other people…

Font is very hard to read and the mystery meat navigation is a tad on the grr side. I had to move my mouse around thw hole page just to find out what were links and stuff.

You know what would be cool morse but it is extra work. At the beginning whenm you tell the user how the nav works make it flash where a cursor will move over a hotspot and light up like it really would if the user would do it. I love when peeps with difficult nav do that.

So, like an animated mouse?

Lost, ahmed: The only pixel font I have is BitDust Two. It only works at 8 pts., and that seems to be too small. Any suggestions for a font?

They have some free samples.

I have the miniml one, but the problem is that they dont come with symbols. Thanks though, Ill look into FFF :slight_smile:

hey morse I think they work in multiple of eights so try 16, also they have to be placed on full pixels

i get my fonts from
there are more links over at this thread… and over [URL=]here


:bump: ok changed font face and some other small stuff.

Could someone please tell me if the font is readable/pleasant etc…?

hey I thought it was a pixel font…
have you tried to adjust the x and y a bit? make sure it’s in left justify, and no bold… hmm I guess you knew about this.

hmm i guess thats it.

What? Where?

introduction page.


lol I mean the Flash. I am redoing the splash right now.

I really like your concept but there are some major design flaws. I have a very short attention span but I like to play around with things. Your site doesn’t let me play but rather "must "solve a puzzle. It’s very difficult to find the navigation and entering your site was a hassle. The graphics are interesting but very common for 3ds. Try creating things that resemble real elements in life, not just random froms and shapes rastered into something wierd.

Anyway, sorry about that. :slight_smile: the font… I know your problem. You dont have it aligned perfectly. You cannot have decimals in your placement of pixeled font. That’s exactly how my site looked before I aligned everything just right. trust me, it’ll work if you dont use deciamal places. Plus, instead of using dynamic text as commonly thought to be more clear, use static. Truuust me, I waisted 3 days of my life on this issue. Plus, on animations, static causes less drag. This’ll only work on true pixeled fonts though. good luck.

actually decimal or not decimal is not a problem, try to find the right coordinate… some times you will find soemthing like x=.4 while y=.9
so it really depends though… but mostly the coordinate ends with *.0 , *.0

you will encounter decimal usualy if you convert the text into symbol, but not happens all the time.

heh, you’re right now that I tested it. Flash is one wierd program I tell ya. They should have fixed all these stupid problem causeing bugs before they decided to put it on the market. But hey, for a 200 dollar program, what can you expect eh?