Hey everyone. Just want to get some feedback from my site before I hand it in.
Some constraints set for this project were:
Only Fireworks could be used to create web page graphics.
No Flash animations
Reasonable access times
Must include animated gif (you got to be quick to catch it, check the title bar as the page loads)
K Media Design
as always, all comments are welcome no matter how harsh :bad:
I’m in a bit of a hurry so I haven’t had a chance to examine the website thoroughly but my first impressions are very good. It has a smooth, consistent design. Although the banner doesn’t follow the same colour scheme as the website, it still suits the website and adds a little colour other than grey (English spelling) and white.
I think the vertical spacing is a little too large on the wallpaper download page between each wallpaper. The one other thing you might want to look at is the drop down menus (for each topic/area).
Right now, the drop down menus have a dark grey outline, which is a little too dark for the website with your current colour scheme. Also, the width of the drop down menus is larger than the “buttons” for each of the topics/areas, which doesn’t seem right - even if it was intended. It just looks out of place if you see what I mean.
Other than the above, I can’t see anything particularly wrong with what may well prove to be an excellent website. I’m sure somebody else will pick out any remaining things. I’ve gotta dash.
I don’t usualy review HTML sites but what the hell.
Splash page is nice. Good graphics and a nice color scheme. You have to asume that your users are stupid monkeys. Put a click here to enter or even jsut the words enter soem where on the spalsh page jsut so users dont’ get confused.
Menu is nice. Clean simple dropdowns. They are nicely donw. The header graphic is good. Fits the site and gives it that elemnent of color that it is missing. If you didn’t have that graphic this site would be extreamly boring.
The boarder and surrounding graphics where nicely done. They have some 3D to them which helps the site alot. It is nice mainly cause the site doesn’t look flat.
The content is so so but you can only do so much with HTML. The contnet it self was clean and easy to read. One thing I noticed is that when i scroll your content it dissapers into what looks like nothing. Can you align your frame ant the top and bottom or put a bar accross or something to make it look like it isn’t jsut dissapering.
The one main thing that you should change on this site is skin the scroll bars. You can use a CSS to change the color of you scroll bars to fit your site. IT jst looks wierd having these windows default scroll bars in the site.
All and all this is a nice clean simple HTML site. I loved the color scheme and really liked the logo and header. Please color the scroll bars to blend them to the site and this will be a really great HTML site.