Site check please

I just completed this site, it is a second revision from the first. So any comments are appreciated…(-:

First off I would like to say I like that lil Kirby character floating around. As for the site here are the things I noticed.

  1. Your splash page could use a bit more work, I don’t like how things are laid out, it looks messy.

  2. I also noticed that it’s a flash movie on your splash page which isn’t a good idea because how are they suppose to download the flash plugin if the button for it is in a flash movie?

  3. Also your preloader is a bit buggy as well, the bar barely went up about half way before the site finished loading.

  4. Your layout is a bit huge, I’m on 1024x768 so it fits ok, but people on 800x600 will see only a portion of your layout, the rest will be cut off.

  5. Your nav buttons are laid out wierd, you have a horizontal row of buttons and a vertical row of buttons which doesn’t look too appealing.

Overall I think the site has potential, but requires a lot more work. Keep at it. =)

i know exactly what you are talking about…I did leave some things up there that needed to be changed…thanks for noticing
anyone else have comments…critique please! :wink:

i like it.

maybe a music off button to prevent insanity?
oops, never mind, i found it.

its off center on big resolutions, and i dont like the black bg.
splash page is off center and kinda cluttered.

just little things, very nice

:toad: Thank you for your comments…I will make changes according to what you both have mentioned…I would like to have more input from others however :slight_smile: