nice site, simple, and effective.
One thing i noticed is how the scrollbar seems to almost disappear in the black background on the about us page.
Also, the animation on Services where the box drops in is hard to see for the same reason.
Links button appears to not work, but im sure you knew that, since the site is incomplete.
also, your fonts don’t display too crisply. Make sure they are in even incrment point sizes (8, 10, 12), and try experimenting with Dynamic Text, instead of Static Text, for an overall, clean look to your text. Beware thought that Dynamic text can not be manipulated quite the way that Static text can…
I really like the Portfolio Navigation. Really Clean.
Try maybe adding some sounds to the buttons, or whatnot…
You can find some at, in the sound FX section…
With a little work, and some more information, this site can become top notch.
Keep up the good work.
If you have the time, i’d appreciate a critique of my site…
Here is the link to my site critique thread: Critique My Site, Please