Site check pleeeeeeeease :)

Still does the same thing… you didn’t delete the other ‘bgcolor=’ it’s in the following code:

<EMBED src=“Into.swf” quality=high [COLOR=red]bgcolor=[/COLOR] WIDTH=782 HEIGHT=634 TYPE=“application/x-shockwave-flash” PLUGINSPAGE=“”></EMBED>

Don’t know if that will do it but lets see.

cipher, cheers for that, have deleted that bit of code.

I hope that sorts it out.

Let me know if it does, thanks alot for your help in this.

Hey Neo

Nice site, i agree that it takes a touch too long to load and i can see pixelation on the wall break that “storm” mentioned before, almost looks like a old arcade game - breaking wall explosion.

I like the 3d rendered water, im guessing but would that be Maya Fluid effects?? (Create Ocean) by any chance?

Over all a pretty cool site, i rather section “contact” and “vacancies” because of the nice balance of image and type.

: your type on the bottom of your content (the links) and the heading in Features and updates (white bold type) seems to be a bit chunky (maybe too thick or too large or both), not sure but against the pixel font in the body copy it looks out of place.

Your animation is good, but i dont like the green you have for that preloader, just out of place to me, other than those things, a good job!


I guess that fixed it Neo… looks like it should. Congrats.

Well everyone pretty much already said what i was thinking…its slow and the fonts off…
Only advice i have for you is in the animation…try to pipe down i bit…especially the water effect…i have done the same thing on a site once and ended up getting rid of the water animation cause it slowed down the site…you could make the water animation smaller…im pretty sure its a big file size on the water movie…
i have gotten mine under 50kbs with a few tricks…without loseing much quility either…if you dont want to get rid of the water effects then try making them as small as possible…smaller then 100kb…those effects are really weighing down your site.
other then that your heading on the right direction…great job