thats not the URL i will be using, thats my personal site, but since i have nothing up right now i’m using it.
How does everything flow? I’m using tween max and everything seems to work fine.
All i have done is the menu system interaction, theres plenty more to come. Just getting started and developing a concept was the hardest part. Please be harsh, i can take it. Any way to better myself is good
oh its a construction company, by the way, though they mainly do asbestos clean up etc. Just disregard that for the most part
my friends say it looks ok, but they’re not flash designers now are they
ok its wierd but is it a bad thing? I wanted to put an emphisis on home, and contact since thats what people will mainly be doing, being on the home page, and the contact page. So what would you recomend.
Also what do you mean with the padding? the background is an image, putting padding on it would look weird :\
yeah I’d center it too. i think it has a good feel for an asbestos-removal company, though my first idea was radioactive cleanup. (My second guess was Resident Evil )
Also I’d make all the links the same font size. This way it almost looks as if you don’t want people looking at the middle two links… they’re way outbalanced by the first and fourth. Not necessarily an awful idea, but I just think a lot of people might wonder why it was done like that… like those two pages hide the small print or something
Thank you all very much :D, here in a few days i’ll post the finished product
celandine they do just about everything but radioactive cleanup, they cleanup suicides and everything. Resident evil hehe
Wait the scanlines as in basically the background with the diagonals? or when the nav pops up and two lines apear going different directions? if its the first one then i don’t really know what to do, looks at other peoples websites
ok yes its much better without the lines, i love you
(edit number two)
When the text is the same size, it takes up significantly more space i thought that would be perceived as wierd, but again i’ll try it. thanks
When the text is the same size, it takes up significantly more space i thought that would be perceived as wierd, but again i’ll try it.
That’s if you make it all gigantic. You can bring down the size of the ‘home’/ ‘contact’ link font a little, increase the other two a little, even it out… they don’t have to be exactly the same font size, because people will understand that ‘environmental issues’ is a lot more of a mouthful than ‘home’ and thus one of the fonts might need to be smaller in order to fit in the same space. but currently you’ve got too much space between the two lines of ‘environmental issues’… try just expanding that font to fill in that space and make it a little meatier, then see how it looks…
100% in agreement about the scan lines- lose em. The text at the bottom is more than a little pixelated- looks odd after the nice blur transition. Play with the logo placement, and pick a better font for the menu- celandine’s advice is good.