For months I’ve been checking out’s great tutorials. I’ve finally got the nerve to post a question; so be nice!
I’ve got the sliding menu working fine; however I need the text to be dynamic. I notice that the numbers on the sliding menu tutorial are static. How can I get dynamic text to show through the mask?
Dynamic text can only be masked if you embed the font outline.
To do this, click on your dynamic text box and open the properties panel (CTRL+F3). There will be a button in there called “Character…” click on this, then choose the option to embed font outlines for all characters. Then you will be able to mask your dynamic text.
Thanks lostinbeta! I embedded the fonts and the dynamic text shows through the mask. Now my problem is that the file is kinda big. Is there a standard for how big a swf file should be?
BTW, this is Claire who emailed you the other day about easing movie clips.
For a site… it shouldn’t be too much. I am really bad with judging file sizes, but I would say 500-600Kb max per section would be best. But as I said, I am bad at judging that, especially since I run on a cable modem and would have no clue how long it would take to load on a regular dial up modem and that is what you have to judge for.
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