eilsoe throws 14 Cameron Diaz’s in Phil Jayhans face
Now gimme Lucy Liu =)
eilsoe throws 14 Cameron Diaz’s in Phil Jayhans face
Now gimme Lucy Liu =)
I didn’t slap thee… :evil:
Me either… I <B>SMACKED</B> you
This reminds me of a MUD I used to use back in the old days at University called TCZ (anyone remember that?).
Kitiara whacks everyone with the <b>Fun Noodle</b>.
“Submit to the will of the Fun Noodle!”
Ah, happy days.
*Originally posted by Phil Jayhan *
**ouch, no more smacking please. it hurts. Not a biker guy, please…
pretty please…
they NEVER shower…or brush their teeth. **
Stop it Phil! You´re killing me!!!
eilsoe slaps Phil Jayhan with the fun noodle !!
Guig0 whacks Phil with the Fun Noodle.
Guig0 is sorry for Phil
Guig0 makes a run for his life, afraid of Phil´s revenge
MUD huh, maybe thats where they got the idea for IRC!
Please nobody whack me with the fun noodle.
its just disturbing that noone stopped to question what that is before haphazzardly smashing eachother in the face with it
You are all in need of help
starting with you MakaVeli
eilsoe crams the fun noodle up festers nose
~nar nar
*lostinbeta takes the other side of the <B>fun noodle</B> and crams it into the <B>other nostril</B> in <B>festers nose</B>
We are soooo evil :evil:
dan4885 cuts off fester’s fun noodle
DAN!!??? :o
Too bad fester can’t be an evil guy. Well he can still be evil, just not a guy.
Leave it to Dan
Hey, where did you get those smiley faces!
Hey Dan: These smiley are in the blue “More Smileys!” link underneith the regular smilies list in the reply screen.
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HAHAHA, Nali, that is funny as :beep: !!!
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