Smacking each other around with large trouts

eilsoe throws 14 Cameron Diaz’s in Phil Jayhans face

Now gimme Lucy Liu =)

I didn’t slap thee… :evil:

Me either… I <B>SMACKED</B> you :slight_smile:

This reminds me of a MUD I used to use back in the old days at University called TCZ (anyone remember that?).

Kitiara whacks everyone with the <b>Fun Noodle</b>.
“Submit to the will of the Fun Noodle!”

Ah, happy days.

*Originally posted by Phil Jayhan *
**ouch, no more smacking please. it hurts. Not a biker guy, please…

pretty please…

they NEVER shower…or brush their teeth. **

:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

Stop it Phil! You´re killing me!!!


eilsoe slaps Phil Jayhan with the fun noodle !!

Guig0 whacks Phil with the Fun Noodle.
Guig0 is sorry for Phil
Guig0 makes a run for his life, afraid of Phil´s revenge


MUD huh, maybe thats where they got the idea for IRC!

  • Makaveli_Da_DoN slaps Kitiara with the Fun Noodle*

Please nobody whack me with the fun noodle.

its just disturbing that noone stopped to question what that is before haphazzardly smashing eachother in the face with it :slight_smile:

You are all in need of help

starting with you MakaVeli

:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

eilsoe crams the fun noodle up festers nose

~nar nar :stuck_out_tongue:

*lostinbeta takes the other side of the <B>fun noodle</B> and crams it into the <B>other nostril</B> in <B>festers nose</B>

We are soooo evil :evil:


dan4885 cuts off fester’s fun noodle

DAN!!??? :o



YOU EVIL EVIL GUY!!! :stuck_out_tongue:

Too bad fester can’t be an evil guy. Well he can still be evil, just not a guy.

Leave it to Dan


Hey, where did you get those smiley faces!

Hey Dan: These smiley are in the blue “More Smileys!” link underneith the regular smilies list in the reply screen.

It is


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HAHAHA, Nali, that is funny as :beep: !!!

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