SmarterChild is smarter than i thought!

I was really bored and was chatting with SmarterChild on AIM O.o

Ok, so i was typing random things, and came across Microsoft:


AlexM325: microsoft
SmarterChild: I really dislike Microsoft! It’s one of the worst software companies I know!

I’ve been told that Microsoft is crap. Is this true?


Haha. So the story continues…

kirupacom: microsoft
SmarterChild: Microsoft is a terrible company!
kirupacom: nope
SmarterChild: Oh really?
kirupacom: nope
SmarterChild: Oh no?
kirupacom: no
SmarterChild: No, huh? All right.
kirupacom: no
SmarterChild: I see.
kirupacom: no
SmarterChild: No? You sure?
kirupacom: no
SmarterChild: No? Why not?
kirupacom: no
SmarterChild: Why do you say no?
kirupacom: no
SmarterChild: No, huh?
kirupacom: no
SmarterChild: Oh no?
kirupacom: yes
SmarterChild: Huh. How 'bout that.
kirupacom: no
SmarterChild: No? OK, whatever.

He makes for good conversation :slight_smile:


Just wondering - you whited out your name in the title screen, but did you change your screen name in the AIM window also? Or is DeadlyMT not your real AIM screen name? :stuck_out_tongue:


:lol: haha forgot to white those names off also :stuck_out_tongue:
Yeah DeadlyMT is my real AIM name =)

DHSMaroon13: f*** you
SmarterChild: C’mon, DHSMaroon13. Not again.


LOL Yeldarb! Hm… i think it blocked me when i swore at it too much…

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| X O O O O . . |

Arghh… You won!

Haha robots are stupid. EDIT By the way, that’s connect four. I’m O. I won :smiley:

You know that you can easily make your own AIM bot? Just as smart or smarter than SmarterChild. I forgot what the URL was, I’ll see if I can find it.

Because you know we’ve all been waiting to spam you with messages. :sure:

You’d be surprised how many flash questions i get IMed, it’s one of the reasons I stopped answering in the flash forums… I found that the more I post in the flash forums the more people ask me questions…

wow! we all knew it was true, but we didn’t know they knew it themselves :smiley:

well… almost :wink:

Ooh. The story continues.

it’s great :smiley:

btw, what app you running to talk to it in? that looks a bit like a flash scrollbar?

Hehe, OSX and Windows are triggers too :slight_smile:

I’m running the normal AIM app. The scrollbar was changed by my theme. I’m using the Exidge Gen 1 theme. was where it was at at one time, but the owner of the site joined the military and hasn’t been updating in a while.

Yeldarb- I was trying Apple Computer. I didn’t think of OSX!

Try “windows” or “bill gates” :stuck_out_tongue:

Sk8aesthetics627: dude
SmarterChild: Yo, dude.
Sk8aesthetics627: Word on the street is you don’t like Windows?
SmarterChild: Nah. There are better closed-source operating systems.
Sk8aesthetics627: Like Linux?
SmarterChild: Linux is an operating system that I like!
I’ve heard that Linux is an open source operating system. Is this true?
Sk8aesthetics627: Yeah…shure
SmarterChild: Cool. I thought so. How else would you describe Linux? It is…
Sk8aesthetics627: fun?
SmarterChild: Linux is fun? That’s very interesting.


“There are better closed source operating systems…”

hmmm -