to much!!! way to much. i cant even walk down my street because its soooo deep!. and the problem is the stupid people on my street parked there cars in the ■■■■ street. that means that the plows cant come down here. we are about to call the cops to get them towed. my dad needs to go to work tomorrow and if we dont get plowed , he wont be able to get out.
Don’t take this beautiful thing for granted! Snow is so beautiful and such an amazing thing, it changes the way we look at the world and the way the mess we have made of this planet look nice for a while!
Stop trying to rush around your busy lives, stop with the rat-race of todays society and just stand and stare…
*"What is this life, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.
No time to stand beneath the boughs
And stare as long as sheep or cows.
No time to see, when woods we pass,
Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass."*
We hardly ever have snow here in England, just relax and enjoy it :beam:
This enlightened advice was brought to you by Soul Healing Inc.
We’ve got 2 feet of snow here now. More according to record… but I measured the snow outside my house. So a compressed 2 feet. I’ve got 6 foot snow drifts here… and you know what? I’m at work. Working 12 hours no less because no one else could make it in.
So… be happy whom ever you are… you’re probebly inside in a warm bed.
I love it personaly. This is just the kind of storm I’ve been dreaming of for years now.
i sorta like it to. i also like shoveling because i made 40 bucks today. and i have a snow blower witch made it easy. but then my aunts car got stuck in the street 3 times. haha i had to push it untill she could drive away.<:}
there is also a igloo down the street that is taller then me and im 6 ft tall.<:}
yeah, snow can be beautiful when you’re in school (or NOT in school) but its a little different for the working fools of the world. We dont get snow days :-\
It cost $200 to get our .2 mi driveway plowed - and thats not including the digging out of my car. It was completely covered aside from two black dots from the sideview mirrors. Im sore as an eagle with all the shoveling Ive been doing today. wheeeew!
I guess it’s a big deal for you americanites that you get ‘a pile of snow.’
…That’s very nice.
We have that too. Wow.
You know what’s ten times more interesting than your tiny baby snowstorm?
A city in newfoundland was flooded then frozen, then it started melting and froze again, and it’s pretty much still frozen. In fact, I’m going to make a thread about this, foolish americans.
Hey sen, try digging your car out of solid ice! Not to mention your house.
ah to live in beautiful california… it snows only once every 20 or 30 years here.
kinda strange how, to me, this 50 degree weather is cold. ya’ll back east would probably be in tanktops in our winter. :beam:
i’m just waiting for the summer… 100+ degrees!!! i’m ready!!! :run:
today around 5:00 i went out side with my dog. a year old. so i started to think. i was wondering if she could pull me around the yard. so i ran down stairs and grabbed a old plasti sled. i tied a string to it. and she ended up pulling me all around. it was great. haha can you tell how bored i am???:beam: