So Hot!

Its 95 here, and at my grandparents house it reached 112, but it was in the sun!

Im back from their house, because i go over to help them with stuff. The last time i was there (last year) it was so hot, i passed out, I had a heat stroke. Really severe one to.


so now im in my house, and its about 50 in here:P

I’m in a “cool” room where we have servers, it was 90 degrees in here, the past two days in a row.

ugg… I’m sick of it.

i came in here expecting to find a picture of a hot girl… :love:

*Originally posted by liam *
**i came in here expecting to find a picture of a hot girl… :love: **

Alex, you’re such a tease! No wonder they lock you in your room…



what liam and rev said :beam:


Actually, I’m gonna have to say i expected the girl. I’ll fix that though.

:P:P:P (sorry kit!)

*Originally posted by reverendflash *
**Alex, you’re such a tease! No wonder they lock you in your room…


Rev **

Rev - you can always count on me being here, thats for sure. :P:P:P:P:P

It is about 110 here in Arizona, but my house is cooled to a pleasing 72 degrees :thumb:

muuuch better! :smirk: :wink:

*Originally posted by telekinesis *
**It is about 110 here in Arizona, but my house is cooled to a pleasing 72 degrees :thumb: **

its down to 60 in here. i have a sweat shirt on=)

*Originally posted by upuaut *
**I’m in a “cool” room where we have servers, it was 90 degrees in here, the past two days in a row.

ugg… I’m sick of it. **

Wow… Thats pretty darn hot for a server room… We have alarms if it goes above 68 degrees in ours.


*Originally posted by Niann *
**Wow… Thats pretty darn hot for a server room… We have alarms if it goes above 68 degrees in ours.

-Niann **
Same for our servers. . . .

Very funny, Aislin. :sure:

Hot here too, though probably not as bad as for you guys… :slight_smile:

We did have a tech here once, who was working the weekend and went to change backup tapes. He said (the following Monday no less) that he thought the server room was “a little warm” The temp shot up past 95 degrees and the servers started to ABEND. We were not very happy with that guy at all… I mean its usually freezing in the switchrooms, wouldn’t you think something was wrong if it was warm in there? Turns out the AC unit was dead for some reason, and the alarms didn’t go off because they are on the AC unit… So since then we put a big thermomiter on the wall. With a big red line at 68 degrees. Just in case someone can’t tell its too hot in there. :evil:


Kit - pull the alarm again!


Hehe, good one. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m in North Carolina, USA.

100 de-freaking-grees.