Software piracy

alright vts31, i’m gonna rephrase this.

what are you guys’ views on software piracy?
oh I think it sucks. everything you find on my pc is legitimate man.:pirate:

oh well… we’ve been asked to make a write up about this at school… well i have to admit that i do have a few pirated softwares installed, but, i am really against software piracy. I wouldnt run those pirated apps i have if i could afford buying them, plus, i make sure i dont use them for any ‘commercial purposes’… just for experimentation and stuff like that…


When it comes to pirated software, I’m sure everyone here has now or have had these on their computers. I myself must admit that I use to have a few as well, but after working in the industry, I gained respect for these software companies and decided to buy their software. Some of the software are pretty pricey, but they end up paying for themselves in the long run espeically when you’re working in the field.

where is lost

The basic policy of this board is “dont ask dont tell”. We don’t discuss it at all here. The reason is that all these newbs started asking to be hooked up with free software and or warz sites. We have a VERY VERY strict policy against the distribution, or discussion of these sites mainly because the government is cracking down heavily on any site which discusses such things.

my personaly policy is: If I can make money with the software, then I buy it, until then, I’m just play testing it. This is why, though I have some 3dsMax skills, you’ll not find any 3dsMax rendered objects in anything I produce. (occationaly a still jpg will be based off of a 3dsMax object… but it’s usually altered to such a degree that you can’t really tell it’s not a Swift3D object.) Right now, with my new installation I’m proud to say that I have no illegal software anywhere in my system.

I think everyone knows where I stand on priated software by now :angry:

If I believed in it I would so have Adobe Illustrator and 3DSMax right now. But I don’t have them, because I can’t afford them, so thats that.

I have gained great respect for companies that make the software we know and love, for them to produce better products they need money. And the reason many of these programs are so ■■■■ pricey is because people pirate them left and right so they need to make SOME profit off of their losses. Of course that means we have to pay for people who don’t want to… unfair.

Well, I don’t have any illegal stuff on my hard drive. I just use the free flash trial, reformat, and use all over again. I don’t think they said i couldn’t do that (if they did, feel free to delete/edit/tell me to edit this post).

Now one pirate I know of is Kirupa. That sneaky little pirate has stolen all his hosting from media temple and racknine. THIEF.

LOL Nali, we did the same thing at school with flash :cowboy:

But my teacherhad an ongoing plan of buying the shiznit…

He just bought the Studio pack with 2 licenses (one fer ME! :beam: ) and 6 DWMX licenses :slight_smile:

And in about 2 weeks we’ll have PS7 too =)

Finally some decent apps at school…

no comment.

For the government to come in here and do something for us discussing priated software is a violation of our rights. For me or someone else to say that I use pirated software and for them to come in here and do something is also a violation.

Freedom of speech, all the way. But out of respect of David’s post I won’t say what I use. Just that my father makes 30,000 dollars a year, and I can’t afford the MX Studios and Adobe 7.0 I may or may not have.

Eh, messed up the bold tags there… And also, there is a fine line between discussing pirated software and distrubting it, which then the government can take actions.

I buy my software now - because I can. But I tell you this, if I couldnt have gotten it free to begin with, I wouldnt have it now because I wouldnt know what to do with it.


:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

*Originally posted by _2t0_Evenflow
For the government to come in here and do something for us discussing priated software is a violation of our rights. For me or someone else to say that I use pirated software and for them to come in here and do something is also a violation.

We don’t all live in America. The Afghanistan government will arrest you just for talking about something.

*Originally posted by Confuscious *
**The Afghanistan government will arrest you just for talking about something. **
hm… not quite sure about that…:whistle:

*Originally posted by Confuscious *
** The Afghanistan government will arrest you just for talking about something. **
