Some editing in the motion tute?

I read the tute on continuous motion but i want continuous motion of a jpeg with no mouse action to effect it ,unlike the tute, just smooth continuous motion ,how can i do that?I also read the tute on Cont. motion with clouding technique , don’t want that too.

Can no one help?

Change this line:

i = 1+_root._xmouse/5;


	i = 5;//or any other value

I gave actionscript(u wrote) to the keyframe but the jpeg didn’t move at all, then i gave actionscript to jpeg ,nothing happened… Can u elaborate your post?

First: what tutorial are you refering to?

Continuous motion tute.

*Originally posted by peace *
**I gave actionscript(u wrote) to the keyframe but the jpeg didn’t move at all, then i gave actionscript to jpeg ,nothing happened… Can u elaborate your post?
Thankyou. **
Im assuming yoiu are refering to this tutorial - Creating Continuous Movement
If so, there’s no code applied on the frame, so why did you paste the code i gave you on the frame?

The code should be:

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
	//generating movement
	location = this._x;
	var i;
	i = 5;//raise this value for higher speed
	if (this, hitTest(_root.block)) {
		this._x = -1000;
	} else {
		this._x = location+i++;

I thought the code u gave had to b given either in the kframe or jpeg, i wasn’t followin the instructions of the tute’s link u posted. Yes i was reffering to this tute but in this tute the motion is affected by the cursor ,i don’t want that i just want the image to keep moving on its own.

If you follow the tutorial using my code, the mouse wont affect the movement.

Ok the image is movin but i’ve another prob. now it disappears. i want it to move inside the mask. i’ve uploaded the file pls. check n also let me know what if i want to change mask’s size?