Some kind of Logo... it looks like

Whaddaya think?

I think the faces of the guys make them look like rabbits… :stuck_out_tongue:

Take out the faces, and move the word “Faceless” up just a tad, and it’ll be awesome. :thumb:

Great job so far. :slight_smile:

kinda hard to recognize the faces! but love the concept!

ermmm… faceless media?


You mean move faceless and not media?

thanks, i’m going to clean up the faces a bit, i thought taking out the eyes would make them faceless enough but i’ll see what i can do

ya, move faceless up abit mabye like 4 pixels and it will be sick, also fix up the faces abit(make them cleaner)

Yes, move faceless, but not media…

which one do you guys like more?


1st. shouldn’t faceless be on top of media?
looks good, btw:)

i wanted to stress the media as opposed to the dark mysterious sketchyness of faceless

[whisper]subtle fart[/whisper] bump

I like the first. You should try a 3rd that has no faces.

how it will be if you show only the profiles?


I think he means try showing the profiles of the people, so that you can’t see the faces, rather than looking straight at them.

like this

you might be onto something bluenar, thanks for whipping that up

I like that, but have black outlines between the cap and the rest of it, and fill the faces with black. :thumb:

yea its by no means anywhere near finished but i’m going to tinker with it later on tonight or tomorrow…

i can definately use bluenars concept for instances where the logo needs to be really small… thanks!

I like the original 1st concept, but I had an idea: maybe have each face reveal something different, and the rest is blank (one has only eyes, one has only a mouth, etc.). You said you’d play around tonight, so, it’s just a thought. Other than that, I’d go with BlueNar’s concept. I like it though, very creative!