Just fizzling around in max5…
MAde something weird, tried to import in PS7, and trend up the thang
Lemme know what ya’ll think :beam:
Just fizzling around in max5…
MAde something weird, tried to import in PS7, and trend up the thang
Lemme know what ya’ll think :beam:
cool, looks like satin sheets. =)
Speaking of which, I just gave my gf satin sheets for her birthday
niiiiice… lol
hahaha…nice indeed.
Yeah it’s unbelievably sweet to curl up with a cute girl in =)
ie my gf of course… heh…
Nice and silky smoothness. I likes
Whats max 5 or is it short for 3-D studio Max 5
That’s correct Bulldog, it’s short for 3D Studio Max 5
See i have kazaa and have been intrested in 3-D programs to make some stuff.
And ill download some progs off kazaa.
It makes me very confused because i love making games in flash but want to make grapphix also.
ouch! loving it agian!
*Originally posted by eilsoe *
**Speaking of which, I just gave my gf satin sheets for her birthday
niiiiice… lol **
=) :beam:
don’t the smilies say it all?
anyways in response to the image…looks like…um…a polar bear…yea thats its…a polar bear
Ok Mak, that’s it…
You’re now officially the weirdest guy on the boards… :chinaman:
sez who?? do i get some type of award?? which comment gave it away? was it the polar bear thing? i like polar bears, they can rip your head off with one swipe or even chew off your head wit only 1 bite!!! …anyways…didn’t you check out my Title??
YOU be a polar bear
or… we could say it looks like a skinned polar bear :beam:
I like that. Might use it as my wallpaper if you don’t mind?
I see what they mean about the satin sheets though. Er, check that. I was talking about that it looks like satin, not the other bit.
Yeah, use as a wallpaper if you want
I have my copyright txt in the lower left corner, i’m all set, I’ve read the copyright rules… so
nyuck nyuck nyuck…
I have to learn max to make cool things like that!
[SIZE=1]I think I´m gonna use this as wallpaper too [/SIZE] :beam:
I can whip up a tut some day on it…
It’s incredibly easy really…
hm… gotta set up my new surround set :beam:
then do it! Make a tut for us :cof: [SIZE=1]me[/SIZE] :cof:
I’ll look into it later on…
I REALLY want to set up my system
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