Sons of sadam dead

Yesterday i hurd on CNN that the sons of Sadam where killed.

Big effect? Qusay en Uday Hussein?

Sounds of joy from the capital.


I think its for a thest for a number of reasons.

  1. I believe that the world is a better place without those two psychopaths. (but who am I to judge)

  2. The Iraqi people will no longer fear thier return.

  3. they both were arseholes :slight_smile:

For 30 mil,I would have put em in too…,5936,6799542%5E701,00.html


This is a few rare occasians that I agree with fester and Nali from the start, those two bastards are better off dead! Just real as$holes, you know those two sons! Good ridance
:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

Has anny one See the foto’s And if you have PM me about it PLEASE

Headline from

’Uday and Qusay no longer loosay!'


do you really believe it though? come on, how convenient is all of this for Mr Bush! wake up america…its your vote he wants…and he’ll do anything to get it…don’t get me wrong, I think if the sons are really dead, the world would be better off…but anything that comes from the USA these days is hard to accept as truthful…

Dude, its not only USA (even though it is kinda shady)

How do you know a politcian is lying ?

Answer: His lips are moving!

Blair aint exacly the most truthfull politician, and he can pull it of A hell of alot better than Bush. … Did anyone notice how his speaches change…? From:

  • We will find WMD’s
  • We will find plans for WMD’s
  • Even if we dont find them history will forgive it.

haha! oh by all means- I agree that most politicians are lying bastards. Blair, well he seemed decent, policies and all, but I am afraid his downfall is/will be his co-operation with the USA to fight for an oil war, that the large majority in Europe were opposed to.

and as for Bush-well he’s more of a dictator than a politician. I nearly died when I heard that hes trying to introduce a new policy(costing the tax payer millions) that states that no-one can publicly criticise the government with-out being held liable?? Hitler is alive in the White House! What happened to the first ammendment? freedom of speech? I doubt it.

I am not one to rejoice at the death of anyone. I do think that those men did some horrible things, but nothing more horrible than our dictator Mr. Bush. I find it humorous that an entire country can rejoice at the deaths of two now insignificant dictators, but can overlook the 600 people that just died in Liberia the other day. It AMAZES me how billions of dollars can be spent fighting some war in some country in which over 95% of the people are poor chasing some weapons that have a 0.0003% chance of existing, and a 0% chance of effecting anyone else for that matter. No attention is being paid to how the unemployment rate is at an all time high, there are poor people everywhere yet the funding keeps coming for death… more and more death. That’s all this country cares about… so no, I cannot rejoice… I’m saddened to live in such a hippocritical society.

The last thing we need is another African country falling to a dictatorship. The African region needs stability to combat aids and poverty - it cannot be done with a new head of government coming in and plundering it every few weeks.

Would you rather that we shrug the Liberian problem under the rug like we have done every other African crises? Military involvement is not the best method, but that is the only method that will work for now in most portions of Africa :cool:

It isn’t good news to have 600 people anywhere die, but unless something is done, 600 more will die again, and again, and again - from AIDS, poverty, and military overhauls.

I agree totally. I was just naming Liberia because it’s finally getting some public attention. I think tragedy in Iran is just as tragic as it is in Australia or Alaska.

I do think Liberia needs international aid. I find it ironic how quick the world is to move to oust a regime when there is oil involved.

They say that the Americans took the oil embassy first when they came into Bahgdad(spelling…).

And again, I agree with you totally. It is sad that in this day and age that the only one who can save a bunch of lambs from a burning barn is the head wolf himself.

Again, well said sir.

Brilliant forum you all have here.

Thanks :slight_smile: Since these are your first two posts, feel free to introduce yourself in the following threads:

Ok - I’m sure T-O wouldn’t be happy with me hijacking this thread.

Kirupa :thumb:

True, the sons are kinda insignificant… but after reading what they have done… its just a personal satisfaction seeing them gone.

And blair is just as slippery as Bush, but he is good in masking it.

He is just a better politician.

Most prime ministers of parliamentary systems are better communicators because they have been directly involved in the political system for so long. Only in countries such as the US can you get elected with your party’s support without having to be a career politician :stuck_out_tongue:

Now, I wonder how they will bury Saddam’s sons? I would rather have them be dumped in a mass-grave/ditch like many Iraqi’s who crossed their paths, but I think a a nameless tombstone with a burial somewhere would be more fitting. After all, we shouldn’t stoop down to their level.

Kirupa :block:

I disagree with you there kirupa. I think they should have a grave with a tombstone. That way every Iraqi who wishes to may either go to pay respect, or go to spit on their graves. It’s only fair that the people be allowed to see the final resting place of their beloved leaders, isn’t it? :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s true :slight_smile: Or better yet - leave the bodies in the morgue and have Saddam come and claim it. I’ll be hiding with a giant bug-catching net, and capture the S-man along with a 25 million dollar reward!

you are one sick puppy Philbo…



they should burried them in a cess pool. For what they put many people through, they deserve everything back 100 times worse. even though they are dead.

How about if they where made into a dart board?:stuck_out_tongue: