SOTW Oct 27 - Nov 2 post your site here

If you wish to be considered for the SOTW for October 27 - November 2, 2003, please read the summary of rules:

  1. Reply by the end of Friday, October 31 to be considered for this week’s award.

  2. Include the URL and your email address.

Only the webmaster/creator of the site can submit.

Only one submission per person per week.

Submissions are capped at 10 each week, so don’t wait or hesitate until the last minute.

Include a brief synopsis of your site inluding its purpose, or maybe some features you wouldn’t want anyone to miss.

  1. Your site does not have to be full Flash to be eligible. Whilst you still must employ Flash to some extent, we are also looking for the overall design and usability of your site, not just your Flash skills.

  2. While it is understood that sites are perpetually under construction, please submit only complete sites. Do not submit a site that is less than 80% finished.

  3. Submissions must be actual websites with sections and content. Examples of ineligible include (but not limited to) flash games, movies, etc.

  4. There will be a private poll among the moderators and a winner will be announced.

  5. No critiques or feedback is allowed in the submission thread. If you wish a concentrated critique of your site, you may start a thread in Site Check. However, mod critiques will be posted when a winner has been selected.

For more information or questions, please refer to the Official SOTW Rules. Once you have read and understand the rules above, you may submit your site to this thread. Sites not adhering to the rules above will be disqualified and deleted. Submitting your site is an agreement and acceptance of the rules.

Kitiara and Mods

hello again from austria,
my email

a small and quicky portfoliosite for an architecture “fuzi”

I suggest working on your file sizes, break things up into seperate movies if you have to, to reduce some of the loading time because it takes forever

theres only one part build in flash (92kb).
i think this site uses a slow provider.

here’s mine:

it’s my official website, some bio, notes, infos, a section restricted to members where you can download some audio resources, another one for industry access, my mp3s and some other stuff…

hope you’ll like it :nerd:

Hello People ,hi Jontom :slight_smile:

I try.

This is my personal web site so it contains only news, a portfolio and some links.
I choose this way of realisation because I can update it quickly, without source modifies thanks to the ASP technology and db connection.

Hope U’ll enjoy.

Website ~
E-mail ~

A local church offered me $0 to design this website. With my craziness, I decided to take on the challenge and spent 4 days on it. It is my first experience with original actionscript. The church is supposed to do the updating on the external .txt files, but they arn’t doing a good job as you can see…

Creator: Ian Wharton | Liquideye-Designs

Clothing company based in the US. Client told me to “go for it”, he was over the moon with the end result.

email :

New artist… hope u guys like it :slight_smile:



My new webdesign site, portfolio section still under construction, but I’ll give it a shot :slight_smile:

Take care

User: H311y
Description: A new youngest community of designer [max respect to]
thanks if u vote me!:thumb:

hey! 3 italians the same week! lol



description: flash site with php/mysql for the back-end on the whole archive, hope you like it.

Can we have some feedback please? Thought results were dished out on Tuesdays, its now Thursday

Give us one more day :slight_smile: Thanks!

After the voting, the results are as follows:

eisbaer 0%
jontom 0%
pika 0%
supree 0%
liquideye 28.57%
jazzman 0%
kev 0%
h311y 0%
itworks 71.43%

Congratulations to itworks for winning this week’s SOTW! You will be featured on the main page of for this week. You may also post a graphical award from this page:

Good job to all the participants. One of the valuable aspects of SOTW is to get valuable feedback about your site and get an idea of how well it stands beside some of the best on the web. Mod critiques will be posted shortly.

Kitiara, Ilyas, Kirupa, and the Mods

The comments are:

Pretty cool. The fonts for the navigation may need to be tweaked slightly :slight_smile: Also the background seems too plain. Besides that, the site is pretty nice.

Nice style, but nothing exceptionnal.

First off, I would rather have a real preloader bar that indicates how much of the site has loaded instead of just looking at the word “loading.”

I also find it odd to have waited and then realizing that I waited for a flash splash page? So if I didn’t have flash installed on my comp then there’s no way for me to enter the site…

So after I click enter, I end up waiting again and it took awhile even though I’m on a broadband connection.

Finally the site loaded and I liked the concept, but then after I got an error from clicking on one of the icons, it just killed it for me.

I suggest working on your file sizes, break things up into seperate movies if you have to, to reduce some of the loading time because it takes forever.

Cool colors and graphics! The site and the animations are very good. Some of the fonts were a little blurry on my monitor though.

Very nice layout, I love it! The sliding picture at the back is stranger, but it’s a very good site.

This site has a very good layout that really brings your flash-world to life. The navigation, colors, etc. are all very good! Really nice site.

Nice color scheme, but the downloads are huge/slow, and some parts just refused to load.

The fonts are too plain though. Did you happen to forget to embed the fonts for the navigation? Other than that, pretty cool site.

I have a slow computer, and the moving picture just killed it. Other than that it seems a bit empty to me.

Wow the music is loud, startled me when it started. The layout is interesting, but the edges are too pixelated and blocky. I think it would look better if it was a bit smoother so it will look more like a torn hole. Also speeding up the transitions would be nice, I think it’s a bit slow as is.

Cool colors, transitions, and layout. It has a very juxtInteractive feel to it. Really nice site.

Nice color scheme, but I’m not sure the grunge look matches the topic of the site. Nice site though.

Not another pop up… Besides that, I thought the site is nicely laid out and organized, nice work.

Wow - a really good site. The layout and colors are excellent!

Anyting more than a splash page?

Interesting layout, nicely laid out, but the transitions are a bit slow and redundant. The rest of the site is nice, I like his music.

One area you could work on would be the colors. The logo and the minimalistic look are great. The colors of the content “boxes” seem to clash with the rest of the animation. Besides that, this site is good.

Nice and clean. A bit of change would be nice though.

Not much to comment on here since the site doesn’t have that much content. I would like to see more graphics to balance out allt he text on there.

Nice use of colors. The fonts are a little blurry on the navigation, and also, the graphic text on the splash page needs to be darkened just a tad bit. The Sound Mute feature was also a tad bit difficult to locate :slight_smile:

Not much to see.

The voice intro said “professional website and graphic design,” but yet the site is riddled with blurry text. Also the nav is a mess, I don’t like how it’s laid out. When I click on links/respects, the entire right side of the layout disappears…

Wow! Great site, layout, colors, text, etc. Great use of Flash.

Awesomness! I can see that some/most of the judges have already been SOTW. It probably explains a lot :slight_smile:

Nicely put together, I love the color scheme used, it makes things more appealing and soothing to the eye. I would like to see more content though, but other then that, it’s nicely done.

theMods :ninja:

Thanks for taking the time, if I were a mod I would have voted for itworks too :slight_smile: Great site, well done.

As for my site, yes more images are to come and of course more content, a few more features aswell I think as it needs something extra! I have just concentrated on the AS and PHP at this moment and making sure everything works! :slight_smile:

Thanks again, will try again when the site is 100% complete.

Take care


Ah well :D.
Nice one for itworks.

Would have been nice to be recognised by Kirupa to go into my portfolio for my uni interview “one of my designs won a sotw award” heh. But yeah had to go to the best site. Nicely done

Thanks for the comments mods!

a/ get the spelling of your nick’ right, lol (eyez takes a “z” !) :slight_smile:
b/very fair spirit, good!
resubmit s’thing else of the same quality…
i just had an impression on the logo of a touch of WWII / SS look somehow, which put me off a bit and maybe influenced my judgment to some extent…
nothing personal…

Thanks a lot people i’m thrilled with this honor, this award goes to all people that support ITA and the other people involved with the creation of this version:

Scott Cook ( ) did the layout concept and design

I took that concept and implemented it into flash with the back-end

and Joe Miller ( ) did all the sounds.

Thanks once again.