Submit Here (July 19 - July 25)

If you wish to be considered for the SOTW for July 19 - July 25, 2003, please read the summary of rules:

  1. Reply by the end of Friday, July 25 to be considered for this week’s award.

  2. Include the URL and your email address.

Only the webmaster/creator of the site can submit.

Only one submission per person per week.

Submissions are capped at 10 each week, so don’t wait or hesitate until the last minute.

Include a brief synopsis of your site inluding its purpose, or maybe some features you wouldn’t want anyone to miss.

  1. As of this week, your site does not have to be 90% Flash to be eligible. Whilst you still must employ Flash to some extent, we are also looking for the overall design and usability of your site, not just your Flash skills.

  2. While it is understood that sites are perpetually under construction, please submit only complete sites. Do not submit a site that is less than 80% finished.

  3. Submissions must be actual websites with sections and content. Examples of ineligible include (but not limited to) flash games, movies, etc.

  4. There will be a private poll among the moderators and a winner will be announced by Tuesday of that week.

  5. No critiques or feedback is allowed in the submission thread. If you wish a concentrated critique of your site, you may start a thread in Site Check. However, mod critiques will be posted when a winner has been selected.

For more information or questions, please refer to the Official SOTW Rules. Once you have read and understand the rules above, you may submit your site to this thread. Sites not adhering to the rules above will be disqualified and deleted. Submitting your site is an agreement and acceptance of the rules.

Kitiara and Mods

Hope you enjoy the mexican theme of my portfolio



Thanks :wink:

Since you guys seemed to have some major gripes with my portfolio, I won’t submit it again.

Name: Ben Hantoot

Smooth corporate site for a compliance company; currently featured at . I’m submitting the Flash version, obviously :slight_smile:

k-whaps portfolio
keith guerin

my portfolio site. thank you for your consideration.

Hugo Larcher Portfolio

my personal place, just something to keep out of the same corporative designs, a place where i can experiment and show some stuff i’ve made.

pay attention to detail. :wink:

New web site:
Los Angeles showroom showcasing bath and kitchen fixtures, lighting and furniture. The objective in building this site was to build a site that’s easy to navigate, functional and informative. I hope you will like it.

im posting this for bl76, he posted at the wrong spot:

site name: Bolin Online Portfolio
Webmaster name: Bolin

thank you, have a great day.

Name: Richard

i did this some time ago just for fun…

>> no content animation

Kitiara, I thought I won SOTW last week with avionics, how come I have been replaced with another site. That ain’t cool :hair:


*Originally posted by flashlevel *
Kitiara, I thought I won SOTW last week with avionics, how come I have been replaced with another site. That ain’t cool :hair:
Read this:

Ook well, here it is again hehe :slight_smile:

– Supree
– Online Portfolio



– Stereo sound
– My first full flash site
– Suggested Pentium 4
– Made for IE6
– Resolution 1024*768+

this is actually the first site I finished

I used flash MX, swift 3D and a bit of PHP and MySQL.

to enter the site click on the ‘naar site’ button (thats dutch for enter site) :smiley:

you forgot to include the URL and your email address :wink:

Okay,… let me put all the info here than…

the site is located at

my email adress is

This is all u peepz need right? :smiley:

thanks by the way for letting me know I forget the url n emailadress.

missweblash summer 2003 - feelin’ fruity
Launched 1 July.
Go play, leave with a smile on your face :beam:

Too many entries again, the last 2 will have to resubmit next week :slight_smile:

After the voting, the results are as follows:

Penmig 0%
Polkiousness 25.00%
Whaps 50.00%
Axiom Flash 0%
Itworks 0%
Kinga Dow 0%
Bl76 0%
Eisbaer 0%
Flashlevel 25.00%
Supree 0%

Congratulations to Whaps for winning this week’s SOTW! You will be featured on the main page of for this week. You may also post a graphical award from this page:

Good job to all the participants. One of the valuable aspects of SOTW is to get valuable feedback about your site and get an idea of how well it stands beside some of the best on the web. Mod critiques will be posted shortly.

Supree: Where’s the 2A preloader? His site has a lot of sound to it, which i didn’t find attractive. overall site looks fairly plain. he could do better.

Cute design, but the Flash is a bit monotonic (???). A higher frame rate could also be a good idea.

Pretty nice site You have some cool colors, and the snow effect is pretty nifty. The content windows are very nice as well. One suggestion would be to work on the fonts a little bit. The plainness of the fonts contrasts with the ornateness of the colors and design.

Flashlevel: If not for the menu and top banner this is just another plain site. if we were voting for menu systems maybe i’d consider, but not this week.

Won’t open for me.

What can I say - great site, colors, and navigation menu. Could use a little bit more Flash, but the minimal flash that is used is excellent.

Eisbaer: I like the animations, but i also don’t. they were aliased (you know, as opposed to anti-aliased) to the bone. Site navigation is a bit awkward and unclear.

Nice 3D work, but there’s no flow, the images often jump without transition…

Pretty cool site - reminds me of another site with similar blue/gray colors and 3d-like objects Unique navigation, but some of the effects are rough and blurry. You may also want to add some background colors or something besides the monotonous white. As of now, most of your site may give your viewers the impression of being “empty”.

Bl76: Kinda kinky. The site may take a little while to finish transitioning, but i won’t hold him against it. The spinning ‘b’ at the top or any other spinning text in my opinion is sophomoric: everybody uses it, it gets boring after a while. Music’s a plus.

Very classic, but nice design ideas. #3

Really cool splash page - the leaves sprouting is a nice touch. Overall, the site is very good, and the only suggestion would be for you to work on the colors a little bit. There are simply too many colors on the site Besides the color issue, your site is very cool!

Kinga Dow: Nice site: plain and simple. not much bells and whistles, which is a good thing. the photos are extravagant. Menu system is also cool.

Very nice, clean, a bit too conventional, but it fits the purpose of the site.

Nice, clean, and simple layout. The spinning arrow on your splash page is annoying On some of the images I noticed some blurred/jagged edges. Overall a very nice site.