Soul's Show is finally up! (+ contest!)

Alrighty, now you hosers can finally listen to Soul’s show #2. Just go to, and click on listen now.

(A lesson learned… make sure to remember that when you reinstall flash, you need to set your sounds to “streaming” if you used to do that before. I thought I was having some SERIOUS Flash issues for a while…)

Also, I’m announcing a contest! NAME SOUL’S SHOW! There have been some serious uprisings in the land of Tony Blair over the current “British People Sound Funny” title. So I’m announcing a contest for the most creative name for Soul’s show… the winner gets a cupholder! :slight_smile:

“the chicken knows all”
lmao :beam:

How about the “Soul Train”?

I say he should use “The Monkey Ate His Soul”.

Thanks for putting this up Lava, I’m going to go and listen now. And we do not sound weird. :slight_smile:

Ummm… Lava? I’m still getting the first show when I click on the link.

Thanks Lava, cool idea with the name :beam:

  • Soul :s:

Soul Show (with no soul played)

thats what id call it… :-\

il listen to it and laugh at his voice, even though im british too.

Does it work for you, Soul? I’m still getting the first show playing, although the homepage says it’s been updated…

I’ll check…

he’ll check

How did you post that at the same time as me? :slight_smile: How did you know?

  • Soul :s:

im magic… :player:

I just checked Kit, refresh it?

  • Soul :s:

i refresed it and it works…

Tried that and cleared the cache… Give me a minute or two and I’ll try again.

BTW, are you two like, reading each others minds or something?

i have to say its pretty scary…

and it always Me, You (kit) and Soul on during the day…

its weird…

No, didn’t work. Still coming up with the old one. I deleted cookies, cleared my cache and refreshed the page. Anyone got a link to the show I can try? The flash player I get is still 26th March.

Oh, and it’s probably because we’re all English, we don’t have this weird time zone thing going on. :slight_smile:

yeah i suppose…

but still, its weird. :slight_smile:

We’re all psychic and can’t stay away. :slight_smile:

Any of you guys have the link to the updated version?

hi kit…

i got in2 it 1st time after i ammended the link from lavaboy…

he has the wrong code in his link to the site…

has a comma in there that shouldn’t b…

tut tut…

click here

hope this works 4 u