Soul's Show is finally up! (+ contest!)

I was thinking about that, too. :slight_smile:

Thanks everyone, glad you all like it :beam:

*Originally posted by lavaboy *
**hahaā€¦ or you could be one of the callers for ā€œthe chickenā€ feature on soulā€™s showā€¦ yeahā€¦ he should do a weekly installment when someone actually calls himā€¦ **

Oh dear, the chicken! lol. Yeah its a weekly feature :slight_smile:

*Originally posted by AnOraK *
**he has all of the right ingredientsā€¦

heā€™s madā€¦**


*Originally posted by lavaboy *
Man, I have to be more creative with my showā€¦ nahā€¦

Nope :stuck_out_tongue: You show is like the sensible show, heavily concentrating on the music, my show is more just a fun chilled time. Our shows have different styles, which is good for a radio station :slight_smile:

Originally posted by Kitiara
**Hey this ā€œGet Over Itā€ song is really rather goodā€¦ **

Yay! Heh, Ok Go are really good, Iā€™ve got their album, awesome! Get it Kit :stuck_out_tongue:

Originally posted by Kitiara
Look at the attachment, this is what Iā€™m gettingā€¦

Hehehe! Kit has to have a churchill desktop :P:P Heh

  • Soul :s:

Hehehe! Kit has to have a churchill desktop
Oh shut up. :sure: Itā€™s not through personal choice, honestlyā€¦

Think Iā€™m going to have to go out and buy more albums. Although I donā€™t know where Iā€™m going to put them. Iā€™m filling up most of my CD racks as it isā€¦ :stuck_out_tongue:

get all the hooverphonic cdsā€¦ theyā€™re awesome.

Yeahā€¦ This Tom McCrae guy seems pretty cool too. Argh, there goes my pay packet for this month. :stuck_out_tongue:

ā€œpay packetā€

I have never head that beforeā€¦ :slight_smile:

Kit - I learn so much from you, your like my foreign studies teacher!

Hehe, thanks. :slight_smile:

Thereā€™s all kinds of weird and wonderful phrases that we use here in England that a mystery to anyone from America. :slight_smile: It still amazes me how different the language can be sometimes.

Plus, as Lava points out so accurately, we have a funny accent. Soul has a Yorkshire accent, and Iā€™ve got a Southern one.

hahaā€¦ oh, kit, if you want to do a show, you should know that it takes timeā€¦ last week soul and I didnā€™t do one because we were like ā€œaaarghā€¦ it takes so long!ā€ But weā€™re getting better at it, and now we know what weā€™re doingā€¦