Sound Question

For a website, if I had a song for the background music, won’t it waste a lot of bandwidth? I need some tips for this. How can I keep my bandwidth from dying? Is there a way to make it so that if the song was already played once, and it’s viewed again from the same user, it doesn’t have to load again? Thanks.

  • Sharif :bu:

Of course it will waste bandwith… you can’t force a user to download the file. You just have to compress it to save bandwith/

But there should be some way of saying “if x is loaded don’t load x” and a pop up message that says “already loaded” or something. I’ve seen that functionality on menus when a user clicks a menu item that is already displayed. So it seems like there should be a way to do that with music files? :h:

*Originally posted by Diplomat *
**Of course it will waste bandwith… you can’t force a user to download the file. You just have to compress it to save bandwith/ **

  • Thanks for the help and repeating what I just said. I think I already know about compressing…[size=1]Godd@mn N00b.[/size] :p:

heh acctually i know if they already downloaded it it will be in thier cache files so if you download it it will come up automatically
as long as you dont clear your cache at least =).
oh yeah and i bileve that you could stream it and there is some parameter wher it has to be load ded a certain length before it starts playing the stream
works good,but quality goos down tremendously
not like im saying you don’t already know this

What’s with your crabby attitude… godd@amn boob!

I prefer lobster…:beer: