Mr. Phrench-\r I think you know I don’t hate the phrench people. At least I hope you know that. I am/was guilty of prejudice against them however. But, believe it or not even that was changed by you & Joe. (couldn’t have been too deep seated then right? Doh!) Now I view the phrench like I do all other nations, full of just mostly good people with the corrupt ones on the top, in control, just like the good old USA. Sometimes, I honestly think we would all be better served if he we had a giant tree swinging party in Washington DC. And then in my kinder, gentler moments, I think we should merely just imprison the whole lot of them until they are dead and their flesh has rotted off their bones, then parole them. Whichever, one thing is for sure, at least here, and it is that these worthless souls all do not have the little persons interests at heart. And for this, they should all be tried for treason in kangaroo courts just like they have set up here in America all throughout the land. Then, AFTER this, we should change the court system so it serves the people once again. If you think I am harsh on these things consider this; America had a small window of opportunity, like 3-5 years where we actually could have made international regimes to do away with weapons of mass destruction altogether, but what did our worthless leaders do? They instituted a new world order whereby America would hold privelage over all other nations and war against them if they tried to produce the same weapons. And shortly in the future we will witness at minimum hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions of Americans dead because of these past failures of our leaders. Am I rambling on again? I am? Oh. Sorry. But no, I don’t hate the phrench. \r\rAnyways, good to hear from ya phriend! (said like Mr. Rogers)\rphillyboy-\rWho gives a running diddly snot about the World Cup anyways?\r
Phil is obviously guilty…in the trout thread he ADMITTED TO owning a time machine!!! YOUR GUILTY PHIL!!! GUILTY!!!
doesn’t chg the fact that ur guilty!!! it all “phits” see??? the glove is clearly on YOUR hand!! confess!!! :run: no running from truth this time Philbo
The one you threw outside your window - the one that you put on for the jury during the second response - the glove that fit so snugly you asked the prosecution if you can keep after you go to jail. Remember? Still in denial I see :beam:
Kirupa :q:
LOL! Why didn’t I check this thread before??? This is hilarious!
:trout: phil, stop denying it!! Lord Kirupa pronounces you GUILTY!!! sees Phil jumping out of window :run: