Splash page check


I’d appreciate it if you’d help me choose my splash page.
I’m redesigning my current website, and I can’t choose between these two:

EDIT: no longer to choose between these two, find my next post at the bottom on the page to vote between 4 other ones :smiley:

They look very similar to EG’s. I prefer number 1.

LOL, I like both of them because they both look like my splash page.

El_Thierro, you’re just too original. :stuck_out_tongue:

I like this one

*Originally posted by electrongeek *
**LOL, I like both of them because they both look like my splash page.

El_Thierro, you’re just too original. :stuck_out_tongue: **


I like the first one

Is that going to be the actual page? Because you know that isn’t going to stretch very well or look that great centered with the background… on higher resolutions it starts tiling

When i press the enter btn. on both pages nothing happens, no process takes place ,no other page opens :frowning:

Flwd, you’re not suppose to press anything, it’s just a splash page for now hence the title “splash page check” :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh i c, i didn’t know that. i don’t know much bout splash pages n what software they use to make’em…Those pages i saw were good. :slight_smile:


it seems pretentious for anyone to claim credit for this type of splash screen…

it has been used on thousands of sites…

anyway, it seems you’re off to a great start here.
I too like the first one, but it seems the bevel you are using is a bit heavy. also, i don’t think the circular background works well.

look forward to seeing more

the first one is better

its better than EGs LOL’

I like second one better, because at least logo is bigger then on EG site, well you got to be a bit more originall in this business!


Okay, I went with the first one, since most of you thought that one was the nicest (on some other forums they thought so too, so…)

But I’ve changed it a bit (made the bevel a bit less heavy and under a different angle, changed the color when over the button) and added four different backgrounds.

I don’t know which one to choose, so I’d appreciate it if you’d help me choose again:

1.) No effect
2.) Motion effect
3.) Warp effect
4.) Radial effect

Now which one is the best?


Hard choice … Warp effect.

Any of them but the motion effect i think.


warp effect is looking great!

i like the one without effect

I like the motion effect, heh. :slight_smile:

Hey i had a look, im not sure if u have realised, maybe someone has already told you, but you have set your splash as a background, therfore its tiling on bigger and higher res screens unlesss yu want that!!
