Well, here’s a layout I threw together for a friends site and I figured I’d throw it up here to get some opinions. I think it looks good but something just doesn’t sit well with me.
Also, I’d like to incorporate some old speakers into the design but I don’t have any pictures. Does anyone have any old speakers laying around their house that they wouldn’t mind taking a picture of?
lol. Thanks fellas. I knew that was going to be the first thing you guys commented on. That picture on the right was thrown together pretty quickly using some stuff i made in a battle.
I would love to go crazy with the animation on this site but I don’t think I’ll have the time.
What kind of font do you think I should use for the sign at the top? I really don’t like the one thats there now.
Thanks Majeye. Actually I think I’m going to scrap the font on the buttons as well. I’m thinking instead of using a font I’ll create the lettering myself to give it an authentic carved look.
What they said. But another thing that bothers me is that the logo in the bottom right and the bottles in the top right seem too bright. It looks good though. A very promising layout
EDIT: I see that you got rid of the car in the picture on the right lol
lol Brad. I’ll be getting rid of the car entirely and replacing those blurry mountains with a cityscape, barn or something. I still do love that car though. <insert love smiley>
mlk it took about 5 hours and 6 beers to that layout and these ones. I also had another pretty cool one but I didn’t save it and the friggin’ power went out. These went pretty quickly because I had the idea in my head for awhile.
Use the font you used for the sign/box in the top right. Or maybe that is a picture they gave you. You should do something like that anyway. Old stylee. There’s a nice contrast between the name and the style. Electrashine sounds uber modern but it looks great like that. Actually electrashine sounds like a fifties floor buffer or something.
lol Flash now you know that I’m going to find a fifties floor buffer and put electrashine on it. thinks, where the heck could I find a fifties floor buffer
C’mon fellas I need another point of view on how this thing is coming along. Did I muck it up? What cool music associated thingamajigs could I add to this mofo? Flash, what do you think of the text on the sign at the top? Better? Worse?
By music thingamajigs I mean, what objects relate to music and rock n’ roll? Should I play up the sex, drugs and rock n’ roll?
Also, these guys are my friends and I have some picture of the band members from Three Days Grace wearing Electrashine T-shirts and hanging out with the band. Should I play this up? Btw 3 days are good friends so they wouldn’t mind. Do you think that riding a hot bands coat tails is a bad idea?