>>Slayer DESIGN<<

hey guys, i’m workin on a new site, its called SlayerDesign
it is not even half way complete, i still need to make the intro page, sounds, and all the pages. I’m only down with the main page so far. Please give me some feedback
-thanks :cowboy:

any thing? common, i’m sure there are lots of things wrong with it… anything at all???

where is the link for it?

ahh dumba$$ me http://slayerdesign.cjb.com

Overall I think the layout is too dark, so your links sort of just blend into the layout.

Your preloading scene looks a bit odd with things not centered, the text and your loading bar seem out of alignment. I’m not sure if that’s meant to be like that, but it looks odd.

The text you’re using is way too small and hard to read, it’s even smaller than a pixel font.

As for design wise, it’s nothing new, I’ve seen similar stuff around especially those arrows. I think you should try to come up with something a little more inovativie if you want to catch the viewer’s attention.

Also a tad bit of color wouldn’t hurt either.

It’s an okay start, but I think it needs those improvements. Good luck. =)

i’ll have to agree on pretty much everything EG said. The lack of
color really gets me too. Even if you lightened the page bg alone,
would make a huge difference to me.

On a more personal note, I honestly don’t understand the name
of your company and site. Slayer?? I’m trying real hard to say
this without being mean or rude, but that title’s innappropriate
and far from appealing. It just lacks professionalism.

I’m REALLY not trying to come across rude, I just can’t fgure out
a better way to say it and still be clear is all.

Like EG said, it’s an ok start.


yep, agrees on everything they’ve said :whistle:

i’d like to add that there are abit too many arrows …

good for a start, definately better than my start a few months back;)

ok guys, i’ve worked a little bit on it, not much, but here is waht i got, i didn’t get rid of the arrows yet, but they are starting to annoy me to so i will get rid of those, and the name Slayer Doesn’t make sense for a Webdesign Studio i know, the reason i got was my friend was playing HALO and he just suggested slayer, i dunno why i listened to him, but i will change it as soon as i get a good name, it won’t be hard to change the words.


Yeah it’s a lot cleaner now and you’ve lightened up the graphics which is good because it was way too dark before. You still have a problem with text though, those small text is till a bit blurry, but a lot better than before. Good job on the update. =)

thanks man, i am using the 04b_03 font, have any suggestions for other fonts i should use?

Bitdust Two is pretty good if used correctly. =)

i think i have that one… yup, Thanks For all the Feedback guys, expecially EGC:-)

*Originally posted by Spets *
**thanks man, i am using the 04b_03 font, have any suggestions for other fonts i should use? **

that’s a GREAT FONT, however, not meant for to used in Flash,
unfortunately. More for photoshop. If you notice, some of the
letters, like, O or D will fill in sometimes. That’s just because it’s
not a pixel font true to the definition.

When I want to use that font in flash, I’ll use
Index of /aliasfonts Org_v1 instead. give it a try,
you may like it. I do! :beam:

oh man! that is eons better already! Even the arrows don’t
bother me with this color scheme. Nicely done.

Let us know what name you decide on, because this is going in
the right direction for sure. Getting opinions from your peers is
humbling sometimes, but oh so useful.

Take it with a grain of salt and use it to improve rather than
getting sad or mad. Keep it up!


image on first page is blury and the text is hard to read

ok THANKS! Unflux and Dreamer, for the advice, and feedback, i really appreciate it, and when point out the bad stuff on my sites, i don’t get mad or anything, It’s not like people are trying to insulyt me or anything (i hope) its just ways to make my site look better.
Thanks Guy!