Hau, maybe you guys could take a look at my site
You still need a lot of work here, I’ll list some things I’ve noticed that could use improvment.
Your splash page seems a bit dull, if you’re trying to create something eye catching then go all out on it, what you have now looks half finished. Also having something indicating “click here to enter” or just “enter” would be nice as well.
As for the main site itself, I don’t like the colors you’re using either, the greenish buttons doesn’t go to well with everything else. Try thinking of a color scheme and use it throughout your site including the splash page so that it will look more consistent.
As for your content, you basically have those links linked up to seperate pages that just have the content sitting there without any kind of format or layout. It would look much more cleaner if you have some kind of setup or alignment for your content in each section so the viewer’s eye doesn’t jump around too much.
Those are basically the main things I noticed that could be changed, good luck. =)