i just got done reading an article in ESPN magazine about steroid use in sports, and i found it really interesting. i wanted to here you guys’ comments about steroids in sports and anywhere else.
Personally, in sports, i think anyone who uses steroids should be banned, or miss at least 70% of all there games in one year. Its cheating, and creates a bad influence on younger fans.
I agree. When people use steroids it’s just telling people that they suck, that they arent good enough to play fair like the other guys. It’s like renting a video game and using codes to beat it. And what are these guys thinking when they use that crap, don’t they know it shrinks your wing-wang?
There playing with fire.
I’m pretty much with you there.
It’s like using a bot in Quake. Short term it might help your game, but in the long run it degrades your ability against true masters.
Of course in the case of steroids, it being real life and all, instead of degraded skill, you get pulp for bones.
I wont comment on the professional sports aspect specificaly. I’m against all professional sports and am therefore very bias.
Personaly, I’m for a reintroduction of the origional greek Olympics. Make em perform nude, and natural. 'course I really just want to check out some of my favorite female atheletes in the buff.
it makes the game feel fake. i dont like it. i still enjoy watching games and stuff though. but look at baseball, its gotten so bad that players cant even slap eachothers butts (never got that) without worring if they hurt them cause thats where tehy stick themselves. its just sad how they think they need to keep an image, and now its that to keep playing they need to keep juicing. it sucks