
JK, you <i>are</i> crazy. :slight_smile:

Although I suppose Iā€™m hardly in a position to criticise. :stuck_out_tongue:

You donā€™t know the half of it :crazy:! (seriously, you donā€™t).

As for you hardly being in a position to criticise, thatā€™s debatable. And as they say: it takes one to know one :smirk:.

Yeahā€¦ When I was back at University I used to have to walk in a couple of miles every day, then go for a few more miles run round a country park before each two hour dance class. Then there was using the Uni gym, Pilates classes, all that kind of thing.

I was absolutely bloody knackered. :stuck_out_tongue:

Youā€™re either kidding, or youā€™re insane. Possibly both :P.

That mustā€™ve sucked big-time - even I couldnā€™t do that much leg work every day for a few years; mustā€™ve hurt a lot :-.

And how. :sure:

Sadly Iā€™m not kidding - the dance teacher I had was an absolute fitness freak, she made us do those runs round the park regardless. You wouldnā€™t believe how many times I skived out of doing that and arrived just in time for the actual class bit. :stuck_out_tongue:

Hmmā€¦ lucky. Iā€™m such a bad liar that I wouldnā€™t be able to skive my way out of a paper bag if somebody waited at the top and asked me what I was doing :P.

Heheā€¦ My plan just involved turning up late - by that time theyā€™d already started the run bit and I couldnā€™t go. :evil:

<b>Looks out the window</b> Rats, itā€™s raining againā€¦

waves Morning :beam:

  • Soul :s:

<b>Points to pixel bloke in footer</b> Chilly up north today? :slight_smile:

I thought it was quite stylish! :frowning:

  • Soul :s:

Lol. Morning Soul :).

I have a GCSE Biology exam at 2pm todayā€¦ should probably do a bit of revision before I go to it. Then again, this is far more interesting :bad:.

Nope, its not so bad in the Yorkshire plaines (sp?) todayā€¦ but im expecting rainā€¦ very soon indeed.

Rain is no fun during the day - you can see where youā€™re going :P. Down here in comfy Surrey weā€™ve got a gentle breeze and overcast skies but the sunlight is working its way though :).

*Originally posted by Soul *
I thought it was quite stylish! :frowning:
Itā€™s cool. :slight_smile: Literally. :beam:

Good luck with the exam JK. :slight_smile: From what I remember of my GCSEs, Biology was the easiest one of the lot. Physics was the killer. :slight_smile: Unless youā€™ve still got that one to do, in which case it was a walkover. :slight_smile:


I still have all my GCSEs to do except all of German, English literature and my French oral. I have 6 science exams (doing triple award), the rest of my French, 2 maths papers, 2 english language papersā€¦ etc. :). Lots of fun over the next three weeks :sigh:.

and thanks for the good luck - Iā€™m gonna need it ;).

Thereā€™s a triple award science now? Mine was only a double. :slight_smile: At least Science was one of my best subjects. :slight_smile:

Ive blocked all GCSE memories out of my headā€¦ i canā€™t even remember what i got.

All i know is there was a few Cā€™s in there.

Yeah triple award science. Basically, you take the Core paper for each subject (along with the people doing dual award) and then you also take the Extension paper if you do triple award. The upside is that I could completely fail one science and get A*s in the others. The downside is that itā€™s more complex.

I canā€™t even remember what was in my German exam two weeks ago. I block out the exams as soon as I leave the room - makes the rest of my life a little less painful :thumb:. Nah, just kidding.

They say that for AS levels and A levels you should choose what you enjoyā€¦ but what if I donā€™t enjoy any of the subjects? ;).

Whatever you do, donā€™t choose German A Level. I made that mistake and really regretted it. I should have done English. German at A Levl is nasty. Truly nasty.

JK: Left ventricle! Hope that helps :wink:

Star: Youā€™re skiving college! :scream:

Kit: Thanks :love:

  • Soul :s: