
haha i used to have relatives who lived in kent…

its a really nice place ay?

is it kent near tumbridge wells?

Garden of England, they call this place. :slight_smile: It’s quite nice, lots of Oast Houses and windmills and stuff not far from here.

Tunbridge Wells is <i>in</i> Kent. :slight_smile: About 15 miles from my house I think.

yeah thats where rich people live isnt it… my parents owned a massive house there many years ago and ive stayed there a few times but they sold it…

yorkshire is called the hole of england i think… (hehe)

There’s quite a few rich places round here… And quite a few holes as well, so it balances out. :slight_smile:

*Originally posted by Kitiara *
**I’m willing to conceede this round to the art student. :stuck_out_tongue: **
w00t! :beam:

*Originally posted by JK87 *
**[edit] And I think we should have a competition between who looks better wet: Kit or Asphalt :stuck_out_tongue: [end of edit] **
pfft! let’s just skip to the bit where we’re together :wink:

You may have won the battle, but I shall win the war. :stuck_out_tongue:

[EDIT]Eep :stunned:[/EDIT]

you’ll be lucky :wink:

With all those foxy art students? :stuck_out_tongue:

How’s your exhibition go, by the way? :slight_smile:

ye really good (thanks for asking) - I’d tell you more, but I’m actually about to go watch some more tv - had to video 6 Feet Under :slight_smile: - So, night all!

(kit, perhaps you’ll remember the existance of MSN tomorrow ;))

Yeah, memory like a sieve, me. :sure: Just not used to having it on here, that’s all. :stuck_out_tongue:

*Originally posted by Kitiara *
**Yeah, memory like a sieve, me. :sure: Just not used to having it on here, that’s all. :stuck_out_tongue: **
I think you mean memory like a girl - they’re all useless :wink:
can’t trust them to remember anything tbh

Au contraire, we remember birthdays and anniversaries and stuff like that which men always forget. :slight_smile:

*Originally posted by Kitiara *
**Au contraire, we remember birthdays and anniversaries and stuff like that which men always forget. :slight_smile: **
ah! now, there you have a point… :slight_smile:

Which reminds me that it’s my dad’s birthday on Tuesday, my brother’s on Wednesday and Father’s Day next Sunday.

Argh, I’ll be going shopping tomorrow lunch break then. :sure:

Right, I’m outta here… Night night all. :slight_smile:

somehow i find enjoyment in an all-brit conversation. oh no :!: i ruined it!!!

Oh no Thor!! You did indeed :crazy:. But seriously…

I believe that Surrey is actually viewed as/said to be the wealthiest county in England :P.

In other matters: I don’t think it is actually a Surrey thing to go for a run late at night. In reality, it’s a JK thing :). I am what one might call a fool…

I do a load of exercise each day, every day and have done so for the last 2 - 3 years. I can’t help it really - it’s just a hobby but one which provides me with a 6-pack (over time), strong arms and a pretty fast sprint :bad:. If you were wondering: Yes, my friends do indeed think I am crazy.

And if you know any lovely ladies who would like to have a bath with me Starpromo, let me know :smirk:. But I stand by my previous statement - just being in the rain is refreshing.


Florida, USA
Lightning capital of the world, and I had to drive through a bad one today

*Originally posted by prstudio *
**Florida, USA
Lightning capital of the world, and I had to drive through a bad one today **

Yeah, I saw something about it on National Geographic once… don’t remember if it was Florida, but I think…

You learn something new every day. That was my something new :slight_smile: (although, I hope I will learn more than just that today ;)).

prstudio avoid the trees and large metal objects!