Structure problem with targeted load movies - some help needed

nov 22 2003

A movie I´ve been working on is structured as follows :

base.swf > it holds movie clip" intromc" onto which intromc_port.swf loads
loadMovie (“flash/site_flash/intro_mc_port.swf”, “intromc”); > this action applied to a frame on timeline ;

intromc_port.swf > it holds movie clip “recepcao” onto which recepcao.swf loads :
loadMovie (“flash/site_flash/recepcao.swf”, “recepcao”); > this action applied to a frame on timeline ;

recepcao.swf > this one holds 3 movie clips : “servicos” , “educacao” and “areasocial” >

so far actions to load movies have been applied to the time line just to give sequence ,
but recepcao.swf will have 3 buttons to select option and load by means those 3 holders the movies :

  • servicos.swf , loadMovie (“flash/site_flash/servicos.swf”, “_root.intromc.recepcao.servicos”);

  • educacao.swf , loadMovie (“flash/site_flash/educacao.swf”, “_root.intromc.recepcao.educacao.”);

  • and areasocial.swf , loadMovie (“flash/site_flash/educacao.swf”, “_root.intromc.recepcao.areasocial”);

All of those 3 movies have navigation buttons , for instance : servicos.swf have buttons to call educacao.swf , areasocial.swf and a back step to recepcao.swf ;

Let´s suppose areasocial.swf will be called first , this movie loads and then the button servicos is pressed
causing servicos.swf to load onto areasocial.swf ;

Exactly here my problem starts , let me show you the kind of path I have in servicos.swf :

_root.intromc.recepcao.servicos.drescovinhaserv.gotoAndPlay (86);

all paths are only valid if servicos is loaded direclty from recepcao , and not from the other movies ;

I feel it has been a mistake to have loaded movies by means target , because the movies stacking I created does not provide me navigation flexibility as I need , to go to and fro or select other movies not in sequential order necessarily ;

Have you had this problem before ?
is there a way to give more navigation flexibility ?
how do you usually organize your movies ?
