Sub Domains?

How do you make subdomains?

1 cup sugar
1/2 tsp salt
1 bag of flour
1 can of Hershey’s chocolate cake mix

1 bag of chocolate chips.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Mix all contents in a bowl thoroughly.
Bake at 350 for 1 hour and 45 minutes.

Serve chilled.

it’s got to that time were no one gives a ****

anyway you need to make sure the hosting plan you have gave you some… if not then you can’t

and go make thoriphes cake… sound nice :slight_smile:

I have no idea, but

*Originally posted by chris9902 *
anyway you need to make sure the hosting plan you have gave you some… if not then you can’t
I don’t think that this is true. All the subdomains automatically belong to you when you buy a domain name :expressionless:

ilya, actually theyre 10 bucks a pop on my server :frowning:

Yeah, your hosting plan either allows them or doesn’t allow them. Some make you pay for them, some give you a limited amount of them.

You have to take it up with your host, and your host has to set it up because it is set up just like your main site, it has it’s own FTP area and everything.

oh ok thanks!

more or less it’s exactly what lost said. if your host is willing to
give up the space and admin time to set it up, it costs them
nothing but time. some will do it for free, some charge. I don’t
charge to set them up on my server if you hosted with me.

when i use my host ( it’s all automated, i just do it from a form.

making the subdomain creates a new folder on my root, which is then accessed when someone uses the address. it’s the same ftp account for any subdomain you may create.

yeah there’s a few ways to go about it. the way my server admin
does it, is I add it like a seperate domain. Therefore, all seperate
ftp etc.

MediaTemple does it similar to yours liam, they create a folder on
the root from you adding a user, then you just access it by the