Here it is.
trying one more time
The preloader is really cool however the rest of the site looks like it needs work. The flash animation is a bit out dated, maybe try using some images instead of shapes?
The music coordination with the effects is wonderful though. I love the way it’s in sync with everything else. Other than that play with the colors, tweak the animation, use some images and have fun!!
Thanks for the feedback. Can’t say I agree with it all, but that’s the way it goes.
I don’t the think the intro is outdated, in fact we have gone out of our way to make it different…can’t think of a similar site. It reflects our personalities and the work we do for our clients. The attention to detail (music synching, etc.) is a strong point of ours and our clients appreciate it.
Color and imagery are subjective and there are more than enough of both on the inside (we will be swapping out to several different intros, letting people skip it altogether, etc. shortly).
Hopefully I’m not too defensive here … just wanted to give you my two cents back.
Thanks again!
the intro seemed way too long. it was also very plain and boring in my opinion. nothing stood out in it to me. the site obviously shows that you have a good understanding of flash. and the layouts pretty cool. looks like u spent a lot of time on it.
I think what stands out is the understanding of motion and music and synchronization while displaying a message.
Nice site! Everything is clear, loads fast, it’s colorful, easy to read… It’s very nice. But I have to agree with slayerment, the intro is a bit too long. And I don’t know about you guys, but I usually do not read the text in an intro, I prefer to look at the animations, so you probably shouldn’t give details about your company there
Other than that it’s really good.
I agree with pom and slayerment about the intro.
but all the rest is super.
Nice buttons, nice tekst, nice animations…
Very Nice…
Thanks for the feedback folks … all opinions are being taken into consideration. I really appreciate the time everyone has taken to view the site.
nice and sweet
*Originally posted by joeytomatoes *
nice and sweet
jt **
Just like your post
I’m just gonna say that that was an EXCELLENT intro. Fantastic.
I don’t think you need images at all, no sir.
I thought that the screen did become a little too cluttered at some points though, but the pace and everything was great otherwise.
I appreciate the compliments and you’re probably right about the clutter at some points. Thanks Aislin.
I like alot about things site but I don’t think it is SOTW.
Hmm, I must agree with sintax321
The site is very nice but I think it hasn’t got the “SPECIAL” thing for SOTW.
Anyway: good luck…
Thanks for checking it out.
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