If you wish to be considered for the SOTW for June 7-13, 2003, please read the summary of rules:
Reply by the end of Friday, June 13 to be considered for this week’s award.
Include the URL and your email address.
Only the webmaster/creator of the site can submit.
Only one submission per person per week.
Submissions are capped at 10 each week, so don’t wait or hesitate until the last minute.
Include a brief synopsis of your site inluding its purpose, or maybe some features you wouldn’t want anyone to miss.
Websites submitted must be at least 90% Flash. Sites that have HTML pages with a Flash intro are ineligible.
While it is understood that sites are perpetually under construction, please submit only complete sites. Do not submit a site that is less than 80% finished.
Submissions must be actual websites with sections and content. Examples of ineligible include (but not limited to) flash games, movies, etc.
There will be a private poll among the moderators and a winner will be announced by Tuesday of that week.
No critiques or feedback is allowed in the submission thread. If you wish a concentrated critique of your site, you may start a thread in Site Check. However, mod critiques will be posted when a winner has been selected.
For more information or questions, please refer to the Official SOTW Rules. Once you have read and understand the rules above, you may submit your site to this thread. Sites not adhering to the rules above will be disqualified and deleted. Submitting your site is an agreement and acceptance of the rules.
I deleted the thread because there was no sticky for the next week and then when I merged them, their thread was on top, so I just deleted it all and restarted…
Hi eveyone,
This is our starting point of experiencing and designing a website that we have never seen before. We’ll be glad to hear your feedbacks to improve our next generation web site design. http://www.salimgraphic.com
[Rule 2: “Include the URL and your email address.” …where’s the email please?]
edit by eyez…
Converted html site to pure Flash site using tutorials from this site. SOTW Submission. Even if I don’t win, thanks to all for the great tutorials on this site!
seritron 0%
Salimgraphic 0% sigmastudio 77.78%
steinberg_inc 0%
ezit solutions 0%
ninja lydia 0%
Puma 0%
Less work more play 22.22%
Congratulations to sigmastudio for winning this week’s SOTW! You will be featured on the main page of Kirupa.com for this week. You may also post a graphical award from this page: http://www.kirupa.com/gallery/awards.asp
Good job to all the participants. One of the valuable aspects of SOTW is to get valuable feedback about your site and get an idea of how well it stands beside some of the best on the web. Check back later as mod critiques will be posted later today.
You need to define your html background color for your splash page. Being that I have different default application background colors I see tan as your site background. And white block images on a tan background don’t look good at all. I didn’t really get what the song “Tonight Tonight” by The Smashing Pumpkins had anything to do with your site, it didn’t fit right. I think you could of also utilized your space better. Your main focus seemed to be on the images you used, while your actual content was squeezed into a tiny textbox under the menu (except in your galleries). What was with that ball in the “Reclamos Publicitarios” section? It didn’t fit right over that can image, I just didn’t “get it”.
First off, I hated the splash page, it looks like a bunch of mini ads and the enter button is all the way at the bottom. I don’t see any kind of relation from the splash page to the main layout. The main layout on the other hand is a lot more pleasing, but it still has problems.
One thing I noticed is that there isn’t really any kind of consistency with the colors, some of the images are in color and some are black and white. Also the colors from the image don’t really tie into the colors of the layout either.
I think it would be nice to use a transition effect between each section instead of jumping from one to the other.
I don’t like how you have to mouse over the panel to see the navigation, it is buggy as well, sometimes it closes and other times it doesn’t. In your portfolio section why do you have all your content come up in mini pop-up windows with Flash movies inside? I didn’t really get how to scroll the content in your Activities section, it took me a while to realize that the far lower right corner was actually a scroll down button and the far upper right corner was a scroll up button, they were too obscure. I think you had nice ideas, but I don’t think it was professionally executed well enough.
What I like about this site is the 3D work and the concept, it has potential, but the way things are designed and put together needs work.
First off, your nav buttons are just too plain, it’s fine that they’re rectangles because it matches the rest of the site, but I think it would be a bit more interesting to use a different font for the nav buttons. A font that is a little bit less formal would be nice.
The flip out nav is a nice idea, but it gets annoying after awhile. I think it would be better to have it flip out just once when the layout loads and have it remain open.
Another thing I didn’t really like is the wall effect how it pushes back. It’s cool because it creates a sense of depth, but that effect was originally done by pixel ranger.
Nice smooth clean (and quick) transistions, a few items that seem to be more or less 2A inspired, but I don’t think it’s overwhelming. I think my only real big quirk about this site is that in some cases, the font used is incredibly hard to read, an example is the 3 boxes at the bottom of the site, mainly the one on the far right. Other than the font, I like it. The colors are nice, I love that the transitions are quick and nicely done, and it is a nice clean design/layout.
Very clean layout, the only problems I noticed is with the blurry text.
Thanks for giving the choice of how to enter, if you forced full screen on me I probably would have just closed out without critiquing it. Ok, well here is my critique then. I like the colors and the images used, I think it gives it a dark and moody look, but is a great accent. I don’t like how small your font is, it is blurry and hard to read and on some of those backgrounds it was an even bigger eye strain. And your sound effects sound too much like those on 2As site, almost as if you used a program (or just your microphone) to copy the sound effect or something, it is really noticeable in sections like “Company Profile”, “Management”, “Log In”, etc.
This has to be one of the biggest flash sites I’ve seen. I’m on a 1024x768 resolution and I still have to scroll to the right a lil bit just to see all of it.
Overall I thought the site is too dark. Another big problem is text, they’re really blurry.
I also don’t like the fact that 2A’s sound was used. I also don’t like the how the’re a splash page for a splash page, that’s just too many clicks just to get into the site.
<B>ezit solutions:</B>
Wow those mouseOver sound effects are annoying. Your buttons are overly huge as well. Which actually makes your site quite inconsistent. You enter and have big text and gigantic buttons, but then you click on… lets say… “About” and this tiny box opens up with a tiny pixel font inside. Your colors were also inconsistent, is your color scheme red and white? or is it yellow and orage? or grey and gree? or blue and yellow? or blue and gree? Your site seemed to have no set color scheme, it was more of a “let’s throw this here” gig. Although your fonts are big, the backgrounds they were on made them hard to read. And I saw no need for those boxes on the far left that did “the wave”, I thought they were buttons but they were, they were just distracting.
First thing I noticed is that there are just way too many colors used here and out of all the colors used, none of the combinations worked together. I thought the yellow and red at the beginning was ok, but the other sections just killed everything. I suggest sticking with 1-3 colors that compliment each other and work with those.
<B>ninja lydia:</B>
Well I don’t like pop-ups, but if you are going to make a pop-up could you at least keep me from having to scoll anyway? Your pop-up window cut off the right and bottom of your movie. Those sound effects were a bit too “in your face” for me. I also didn’t see a point to making the content windows draggable, theres barely any room to drag in the first place and you can only have one opened at a time, so it’s not like you can drag it to avoid another draggable window. I know you can open it when you are in the “level is”, “level does”, etc sections, and I don’t really think you should be able to do that, because they do get in the way no matter where you drag them. I also don’t think your home button should make the viewer watch your intro all over again.
I don’t like how there’s so much red on this site, it’s an eye sore after awhile. I think this site would look a lot better with a less harsh color scheme.
I thought the drop effect was interesting, and the transitions were, nice. In the collection section I didn’t like the mystery meat navigation, I thought it was an empty section until I rollover the image. The font you used was a bit hard to read in the first place, but when you place it on a diagonal angle it makes it even harder to read and concentrate on. And all your sections other than “Collections” only contained links to pop-up pages which contained HTML slideshows of images. You need more content in the actual flash site IMO.
Very interesting layout, I like the drip rollOver effect, very nice concept. The only thing that sort of killed it for me was the image quality. Some of the image are a bit poor on quality, but I’m sure that is could be fixed easily.
<B>Less work more play:</B>
Took me a bit to figure out how to enter, the tiny text at the bottom that says enter is a bit too obscure, but I will say this… thanks for the option of normal or pop up! The site itself took quite a while to load and I am on broadband. Your fonts are too small and hard to read. I searched for a music off button but found none, any site that has music needs to supply a music off button or have the music off by default and let the viewer decide to listen if they want. I like the colors, the layout, and the animation, so I think the main negatives of this site for me are font size and no music off button.
The only thing I liked about this site is the beats, very soothing, I could listen to it for a while. As for the design, though it is nicely put together, it’s too much of a trend whore style that I see a lot now with the diagonal lined background and arrow graphic elements.
I’m not saying it’s a bad site, it’s just not something new to me.
so i knew the image quality was poor but the file was soooo huge that i had to cut something out… Since I am sorta a novice in the vast worl dof flash what would you guys suggest to make the site better… I really like the bold font but it is a lil hard to read… What would be a good substitute… Any help from you guys would be very appreciated…