Submit Here (July 19 - July 25)

Itworks: Nice photoshop work. I just don’t like the font he used for the site. It blends too much into the backdrops, making it look like the dirty specks. Have you guys tried killing/clicking the bug on each section?

Really nice and imaginative design! Navigation is great also. One minor suggestion would be to reassess the colors used for the background and the portfolio. The colors need more contrast or need more unison - the current half-way path tends to detract from an overall excellent site.

Axiom: Not working.

Very nice design, but lags on my computer.

Another great site. I really like the use of contrasting colors, that for some reason, look really good on the site! Overall, a very good site.

Whaps: One word: stunning.

Nice to see such an awesome site from a fellow French-speaking Flasher. #2

Fantastic! Great navigation, great transitions, and great Flash.

Polkiousness: I like the background music. reminds me of my days in Sim City 4. Menu is also pretty cool, though it has a few minor on rollOut bugs. One note though: I didn’t vote for this guy because apparently his site was designed by another group. Should we really accept this kind of thing?

Smoken, I love that site. Man, I wish I was able to do that… #1

Wow! Very good site; the colors are great, the transitions are really smooth, and the information is presented in a really appealing way. The navigation menu is also very nice

Penmig: One word of advice: better frame rate. This site would overall look better had he ventured out of Flash’s default FPS.

The frame rate is definitely too low, it just doesn’t “flow”.

Pretty good site. The only suggestion I can make would be to work on the colors a little bit. The green of the logo does not fit well with the rest of the site. Also, try to place the hitcounter on your splash page hidden somewhere else. The hit counter detracts from an overall very professional site.