
Hello all,

The last couple of days I’ve been trying to come up with a new design for my website… something more “unique”. I want to get rid of the standard buttons/picture/text layout, and while I’m doing this, I will try to reduce the file size of the different pages. I also want something more me. Take a look if you want.

I have some kind of a dilemma. Should I make it:

  1. happy, funny, wheeeee… jumping frogs everywhere!
  2. dark, mysterious, grrrrrr… frogs are poisonous.
  3. sparkle, magic, oooooh… once upon a time, there was a frog.

One thing is for sure: frogs will stay. :stuck_out_tongue:

Any suggestions or comments? Please don’t reply with “hey, it’s your website, do whatever you want with it”. I gave you 3 possibilities of how I see it. Which one do you like the most?

Hmm…a site about killer frogs, that should be interesting…

Killer frogs it is!!! Go for it!! :stuck_out_tongue:

Maybe I will do some kind of mixture of point 2 and point 3… still hesitating…

Thanks for your reply! :slight_smile:

very nice layout and functionality! BUT, massive download on my dial-up, but then the images are beautiful!

Thank you :slight_smile:
That’s why I want to “improve” my website as well… So, what do you pick? :stuck_out_tongue:

well, I can’t really pick. The download is big because of your images. I would not lower the quality very much because once you see the image than you know all the images are worth the wait. So maybe a small “thumbnail” of some of your images on an initial page so that people know that what is going to download is a really nice picture. That way the viewers get something right away and maybe explain that the site uses great images and that it takes a bit to download each page.

Does that make sense? Just my 2 cents. The site images are REALLY nice!

Actually I meant what I wrote above:

  1. happy, funny, wheeeee… jumping frogs everywhere!
  2. dark, mysterious, grrrrrr… frogs are poisonous.
  3. sparkle, magic, oooooh… once upon a time, there was a frog.

:wink: LOL

But what you said is very true. The images make each page kind of big in size. I’ll try to reduce the file size not by adjusting the quality, but by trying out different effects in my new layout. But first I’ll have to know what kind of “feeling” and structure I want…


#3 is my vote

My choice is #2 - dark, mysterious, grrrrrr…

go for number 1, that would be fun!


I’d say: #3.

BTW, I also love those frog images. They have such amazingly beautiful colours. And combined with the birdsounds: I love it!

change your bg from 00f25 to 143563.Get rid of the text scroll bar and just use buttons.


Thanks for helping everyone! :flower:
I’ll try to make a mixture of #2 and #3.