Take a look please

Hi, I’m looking for any feedback whatsoever on my previous portfolio site while Im in the planning stages for a new version. My flash skills have been timeline based and Im working hard to learn AS which is what lead me here to begin with. I’m planning a hybrid of flash and html for the next version, so I’m interested in any insight on what is good and bad from my last version. Thanks for looking in advance.


Not bad.

The main things i didn’t like were:

1: So much space to the right of the content. (Although I’m browsing using a widescreen monitor).

2: The navigation on the bottom didn’t fit in with the rest of the site. I think more thought needed to go into how it was going to look, and feel. Especially with regard to rollovers etc.

3: The print, and web sections - There was barely anything in there. Did they really need their own sections? I understand that you probably wanted to make it look like you had more work/skills, but it gave the opposite impression.

4: Why was jay in the top-left in that blue colour? I don’t think it really needed to be, as there was nothing else using that colour. Didn’t feel very consistent.

Good luck with the next version!

//Edit: Oh, and please please please get rid of the page-turning feature. It’s old, unoriginal, and I find it sooo annoying! :slight_smile:

Thanks for the feedback Pixel, I couldn’t agree with you more about the pageflip. Its a trendy device that I regretfully fell for back when I did that site. Its gone.
About the amount of print and web. I did have a those page jumps because I thought it would help viewers to move through the book faster, and I had around 8 print pieces and 6 UI designs. How many do you think is necessary, I think I was trying to avoid over padding, but it seemed to have the opposite effect on you.
Thanks again.

i’m not gonna give a critique, but… your email link that’s supposed to be on the last page only, is clickable throughout all pages.

Thank you, I never caught that.

Center the Book on the stage.
Set the flash size to 100% width and height.
Add this to your css:
