Taking for ever to load! any ideas

I need some help making my sites load faster. I have dived into this flash and 3D stuff and after a month or working on my skills I have come a long way… Graphics and Functionality are there, but the my sites load slow as hell…

Are there any suggestions to reduce file sizes after I have already done 90% of my development.

Please check the site…


feedback/ideas are encouraged!


Well for one, you have too many 3D objects in your movie so that bumps up the file size tremendously.

Also it would help if you broke your movie up into seperate movies and use the loadMovie action to load in each movie.

To learn more about that, take a look at this tutorial. Good luck. =)


yep true electrongeek

Or try and use less High quality JPG files

Ok so i built a cheezy little site that loads movies from external .swf files… Would it be ideal to put loaders in them as well…???

I would imagine so…

Can I rely on the fact tah If i go back and re code all this stuff that It will reduce loading time…?


The overall loading time of your site would still be the same, but it will reduce the initial loading time since the viewing isn’t loading the entire site all at once, they’re only loading whatever they click on.

It would be wise to add preloaders to all your movies so that viewers wouldn’t be staring at blank screen wondering if the site is loading or not.

Most flash sites follow this setup of having 1 main movie that loads several external movies.

so the initiall loading time will be quicker? then it’s worth the work…

That’s right, the initial loading time would be faster because it’s not loading the entire thing all at once, it’s just loading one portion of your site.

The rest will be loaded whenever the viewer clicks on something.