Tales From University

Anyone have any amusing stories from University? And I do mean University here, not school or college (because you’re not old enough to do half the things you can at Uni :wink: ). This is a thread for us slightly older generations to reminise. :slight_smile:

To kick off… Third and final year, the exams are just finishing and we (the four people living in our student house) decide some kind of celebration is needed, preferably involving a large fire so we can burn the books from my C++ course. :slight_smile:

What with it being summer and all, we choose to invite all our friends round for a barbeque. So the four of us trot round to the local supermarket and fill up a trolley with all kinds of heart disease - burgers, steaks, chicken, sausages, the works. We get it home and into our 2ft by 2ft kitchen when we suddenly realise that we have no barbeque.

There’s no way we can cook this lot in the kitchen, so Jonty (one of the housemates) goes back to the supermarket in search of one.

He returns with a shopping trolley. No barbequeue, just the trolley.

He then proceeds to wheel it into the back garden and take a hacksaw to it. The rest of us pitch in to a dig a hole in the ground and fill it with charcoal from a petrol station. Jonty uses the sawn up trolley as a grill, and we (eventually) have one of the best barbeques I can remember. :slight_smile: